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Misao Sakurasawa
Straight A student, PVYO
Anime Fan Since
I can remember
Favorite Anime
Anything Yuu Watase or yaoi, and Cowboy Bebop
Graduate high school with at least a 3.85 GPA
Reading, writing, interneting, manga, watching TV, music
Master at clarinet!
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Talked To Brian, Rode on a Backpack, and the SWAT Team
What a loser I am. The highlight of my day was talking to Brian for the SECOND TIME! Yay Misao! OK, I eat lunch with a few of my friends, and Brian eats with his friend next to us. One of my friends is Erik, and he is friends with Brian. He started throwing stuff at him, and then there was a little war between them, and Indunil and I were caught in the middle ^_^ I talked to Brian a bit. Indunil and I found out why his eyes are so weird, and he doesn't really look at you when he talks to you. He's blind in one eye! I asked what happened, and he said he was born that way. He said he had some surgery done and stuff. Indunil said ewww, but I thought that was pretty cool. Brian said they called him 'crazy eye' at his old school, and that made me laugh. I mean, I wouldn't have laughed if he said it all sad, but he sounded amused by it too ^_^ I found out where he goes in the morning- his English yeacher's room. I usually go to the library, but me and INdunil were walking around in the morning, and we saw Brian with that friend he always hangs around with. Tomorrow, we are walking by and I'm shouting 'HI BRIAN!' Ninja with a plan, that's me. Erik and Brian are having a 'war' with each other where they throw stuff at each other during lunch, starting tomorrow. I'm shouting, 'I'm on Brian's side!' and running over to him. Mwahaha, he'll be mine in no tine.... >_<;;
A little high school soap opera goig on here. Indunil, former best friends with Kira last year (they were unseperable) now doesn't like Kira because Kira is spending a lot of time with Vickie and ignoring her. Hmmm... sounds just like happened to me in seventh grade with Brittany. I just started hanging with Indunil because Kayoung was really annoying me and all Alisa wanted to do was her homework, but now Indunil is saing I'm her best friend and she wants to spend all her time with me. I'm flattered, I guess, because no one has ever called me their best friend since sixth grade, but it's kinda creepy because Indunil is now inseperatble from me. I like her, but I don't want to spend every waking moment with her.
Kayoung has this backpack on wheels *bingbing* *dork alert* *bingbing* but I wanted to ride on it today in band. I'm a small person, so I sat on it, and she wheeled me really fast around the room! It was scary because I felt like I was going to fall off (I didn't) but it was fun anyway! You all should try riding on a backpack...
Their was an announcement at the end of eighth perios, saying that everyone on this bus (not my bus) had to report to the auditorium after school instead of going home. There was an emergency in out neighborhood, and those streets were shut down and the SWAT team was there! They didn't say why, and I still don't know why. Nothing ever happens in my town, so now that the SWAT team came, I just soemthing big did happen. But I have no idea what. Maybe it'll be in the paper tomorrow and I'll post about it here. Weird...
I just signed up at! It's a HUGE forum. I'm used to the forum, where there are maybe ten of us and we all know each other somewhat. Now that there are thousands of people... I dunno, I don't think I'll stay there very long... My name there is Chiseki, if you want to see me ^_^
Fun talking to you all! OK, later!
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