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myOtaku.com: Jaganshi

Saturday, May 22, 2004

   Controversial Videos
Today on MTV2 I saw this special that was the twenty most controversial music videos. It was pretty great, but if my parents knew I was watching it, I probably would have gottn grounded again. The nummber one most controversial video was 'Smack my Bitch Up' by Prodigy. It was such an awesome video, but I can totally see why it was the number one video. It starts out in someoen's apartment, but you can't see who it is... you know, the camera is kinda like their viewpoint, and it walks around and see what the person sees, like the video is being shot through their eyes. So this guy goes to this club, and there's alcohol and drug abouse throughout, andthe guy is grabbing at these girl's boobs and crotches, and smacks them down on the floor and stuff. Then the guy goes into the mens room and throws up. This girl goes to the guy's apartment, gets smacked around, then leaves, and the last shot is in the mirror, when you finally see what the main character the camera was following through their eyes looks like. It was a girl! You assume this whole time, it was a guy, but it was actually a chick. I thought that was genius, and really good. Despite the controversy, that video was really good. I want to see it again! That song 'Closer' by the Nine Inch nails was there. Number four, I think. I love that song. It was my first time seeing the video, and it was so awesome! I don't feel like describing it so... on to a different topic!

As it turns out, my friend Katie like Brian too. She came by us at lunch on Friday, and was talking to Brian, and Erik told him Katie liked him. Brian was all like, 'Oh. Uh...' I didn't think he liked her back. (yay!) Indunil and I were stalking him, and then he chased me down the hall, and that was pretty fun. BUt Katie is much more outgoing than me, and I wonder what'll happen next...

Indunil and I saw Shrek 2 today. It was pretty funny. That cat played by Antonio Banderas was just too adorable!

For those who live in the Washington DC area, you'll know all abou the HFStival. I couldn't go this year. It was today. Thirty bands were there. I wanted to go SO BADLY!!!

Parentals coming. Got to go! Ok, later!

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