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Misao Sakurasawa
Straight A student, PVYO
Anime Fan Since
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Favorite Anime
Anything Yuu Watase or yaoi, and Cowboy Bebop
Graduate high school with at least a 3.85 GPA
Reading, writing, interneting, manga, watching TV, music
Master at clarinet!
Friday, May 28, 2004
You Guessed It...
Not much going on in my life now except Brian and the final exams. On to Brain! Yesterday, he got down on one knee, held out an Altoids box, and there was this little ring made out of paper in it! It was so sweet. He made this little joke, 'This is the best I could afford on a Marine's salary,' and I put it on my finger. (He wants to be in the Marines when he grows up) he little ring was so sweet! He even asked my permission to be in the Marines when we grow up, and I said sure. So today, I sit with him at lunch, and he asked for my number. He's gonna call me this weekend, he says! He also said that he and his dad are going to do some metal shop things, and he'll make me a real ring. *melt*
Well, I'm sure you all are so sick of Brian by now ^_^ Ok, school stuff. I have this English paper to type on ethics, and I decided I won't cheat... it's not like I need to anyway, I have a 96% in his class. Today in English, Mr. harrison spent the whole time talking about Soul Plane, black stereotypes, and celebrities who are fake. He was talking about black celebrities who live in these big mansions in LA but still talk like they're from 'the hood' and in their music videos taking place in said 'hood.' He also talked about TV, and how on 'The Real World' was so unreal because they always had one gay guy, one black guy, one ingnorant southern white guy, etc. The whole class period was pretty fun. Harrison was doing impressions, and when he said Jay-Z compared himself to Denzel Washington, he went on for maybe five minutes about that, he was so outraged. He was saying, 'No, don't ever compare yourself to Denzel Washington, Jay-Z!' a lot. Man, that period was so fun.
My cat, Rocky, bit me yesterday! Both my cats are on diets because they are so fat, and it was in the middle of their two feeding times. He was all meowing in front of the closet where their food is kept, and I nuzzled his head and then he bit me! It was the first time in maybe two years. I washed it and put on a bandaid... good thing Rocky is a housecat.
I am currently obsessed with It's an anime roleplaying community where you design your own avatar for the forums, then dress them by buying them clothes and you get gold by posting things at the forum, among other things. I love it! My username there is Chiseki, so send me a private message if you want ^_^ OK, later!
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