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in the darkness or madison/wisconsin, whichever
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nearly world conquest
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world conquest
| JaganshiHiei
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Monday, October 17, 2005
better weekend!
this weekend went much better than the last. first my ex-girlfriend named angie finally got to meet the friends i normally hang w/, and they're really good friends now, so she's moving in too now before i do so that's cool. we all hung out in madison on state street for a while on friday night, and ran into a friend of mine i haven't seen in almost 4 months, it was cool
the next day we all hung out after i got off work. then they played a weird joke on me, but it's a really great story. angie says to me out of nowhere "do you want to hold your son"?, and i'm like, HOLY SHIT! but then she handed me a stuffed toy of elmo and said they made it at west town mall. that was a huge relief. so now i'm father to elmo, lol.
also, in all the fun, i forgot to go home this weekend too, what was weird was i didn't even get in trouble for it! so i can't complain about this weekend, but now i just can't wait to graduate this year so i can move in too.
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Monday, October 10, 2005
what a crappy weekend
so my weekend started out like any other, i woke up at 10:00 and drove to my friend's house shortly afterward. on my way out of mcfarland, my front tire popped on my car. so i had to walk all the way back to town, and luckily my work was right on the way there so i could use the phone. anyway, after that i went to wal-mart to get new tires put on and they said it would take 3 hours! i just wanted to buy some new boots all week to, so i decided to walk from there to the mall, and i'm never doing that again...
later on at night, my friend mandi called to tell me our friend was being beaten by her parents for years. she was staying at mandi's apt. for a while when the cops came(a.k.a. the stupid fucking pigs), and there was a lot of shit that happened there too. another roommate almost got arrested cuz she tried to defend everyone from the cops after they explained the situation to them, though the cops actually said they didn't care.
So now none of us has heard from her since, and we're pretty worried. and all this happened on the same day, so it all kinda sucked, since i also didn't get to go to my other friend's party either. so yeah this weekend pretty much sucked, so i hope things will get better soon
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
yes it's almost time for halloween again! anyone got any cool coustume ideas? this year my friends and i are going to that haunted sanitarium in madison, it's creepy as all hell.
our original plan was to go as short people so we could still get candy, so we might do that too, i mean who could resist free candy? anyway were going to almost every creepy place that we've found so far, it'll be so cool
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Friday, September 30, 2005
so here i am at school, right before another boring assembly. i'm thinking of skipping with my friend since she doesn't like going either. it was cool cuz the last time we cut out early, i got interviewed by the media about those stupid barricades around the school neighborhoods, it was kinda neat.
Also if any of you are fans of HIM, they're gonna be in Milwaukee soon, i'm all excited about it. it's gonna rock!

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Friday, September 23, 2005
i supose i should post again since it's been a while. so anyway, soon the science class that i hate so much will be taken off of my schedule for good and the cool thing is that i get to take a psychology class now which'll help me get into college or something to pursue my future career.
also has anyone seen inuyasha lately? i don't have a satelite dish anymore so i can't keep up with it as easily as before which really sucks but whatever. also i should probably by the manga of full metal alchemist cause that show is awesome.
i guess i should probably finish my school work now, so i'll see ya'll later
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Friday, September 2, 2005
back to school with the fools
so i'm once again back at school and it sucks. my whole routine is off balance and i'm literally still trying to keep myself awake. but at least i've still got the weekends.
i also had a pretty cool summer, too. i went to the band camp concert in madison among other things and it totally kicked ass.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
it's time for prom!
man it's been a long time since i've posted. anyway, it's time for prom! i'm taking my girlfriend and some friends, it's gonna be cool
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Monday, July 12, 2004
a tribute to some of my favorite horror movies