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Seattle, WA
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Hmm I can hold my breath for nine minutes underwater, does that count?
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Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
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See the banner to the right. ^^
Finding the perfect job that will allow me to zone out playing games and watching anime for hours...
Reading all types of books, watching movies, rollarblading, swimming, mountain hiking, playing with my pets, hanging out with friends, attempting to draw (badly mostly; LoL)
Finding cuteness!
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Prince of Tennis...
Ah back to my fave boys in shorts. =) Three different players get their own walls today. One of the little used Oishi, a cute shot of Momo and a rather fun one of Ryoma.
I'm getting into a bit of a PoT groove right now so expect a few more from the series over the next few days. Though they may not all be Seigaku boys, I've got this odd urge to make some alls of Atobe or Sanada for some reason. Must be part of my bad boy streak.
Oh and just for the cuteness factor, isn't that little animated gif up top there just adorable!! Don't ask me where it came from a friend of mine sent it to me. So if its yours ask for credit and its all yours, otherwise, sorry! Its too cute for me not to place it! =)
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
Naruto again...
I don't really know how this keeps happening, but for some reason I keep getting pulled back into making Naruto wallpapers. LoL I guess I just couldn't resist making these latest. I found the scans of Yondaime and Gaara and well the rest is history I guess.
Gaara has to be my fave Naruto character so any time I find a new look for him I feel the urge to wallpaper it. LoL Normally I can resist it, but not this time. He just looks so pleased with himself. Hehehe
Added a group of new ecards as well, some from Naruto, Bleach, Spiral and Trigun. Hope you guys enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them. I have to admit I'm particularly fond of the Naruto, sympathy card. It was just something I had to make; the look on his just tears me up. Of course the same thing could be said for the look on Vash's face too...why do I always pick the sad ones?
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Hello all! Well today I've slipped backwards a bit in my creative mindset! I've posted two b/w wallpapers from the manga DeathNote. Which I will mention once again is one of the best mangas I have ever read. And I so can't wait for the live action movie to be subbed!
Anyway I was rereading the series again this evening and for some reason felt the urge to make up a few simple walls. One of my fave character Raito and the other of the opposing genius L. I'm actually not a huge fan of L but even I have to admit he's an amazing character!
Oh and those of you who yelled at me for that earlier KKM wall with Conrad, Yuri and a certain scene in the fire. I'm sorry! I couldn't resist, I know it makes me evil. If it helps at all I've posted a nice happy wall with Conrad alive and well. Does that make me a better person? LoL
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Quiz personality...
You know..I randomly run around here and take quizes...and looking over my results this fine morning I had to start wondering about my own personality. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Or am I the only strange on out here? I mean I try to answer these quizzes as honestly as I can so I don't get any result just because I think it would be nifty. But man my results are usually pretty dark. Do I attract the bad guys or what?
Ok...I really need to get to bed now...Bye bye!
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Miss me?
What? No? I mean come on I've been gone a whole..hmm half a day? LoL Ok so I'm feeling rather creative this week. I blame certain PoT fans who keep tempting me with new ideas. Its all your fault! I blame you!
And hmm yeah so my two new wallpapers have nothing to do with PoT. LoL Had you fooled didn't I?
Anyway the first is from KKM and shows one of the saddest scenes I've ever witnessed in a show that told me it was a comedy. It liked damn you! Your not supposed to cry during comedies! *coughs* hmm sorry in advance if this is a spoiler for you but I couldn't resist cleaning up this scan and posting blame me and get your hankies out if your gonna watch this series just in case.
Second one is from .hack //Sign. I rather enjoyed this series even though it was rather random. =) Crim appeared in only a few episodes but he just cracked me up. I'm a bit like him when I play online games so I guess I relate! Still not sure why I used that particular grayish background for this image, for some reason it just appealed to me. Who knows maybe I'm just weird. =)
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Latest from Moi!
Hello all! Well I just posted a few more goodies. 2 from Kyou Kara Maou, one from Prince of Tennis and one from 12 Kingdoms.
Honestly I'm not terribly pleased with any of these...they're missing something. I just wish I could figure out what that something is. But considering they've all been sitting on my computer for nearly a month I'm guessing I'm not gonna find it anytime soon. So here you go! LoL
For KKM I am rather fond of the Conrad and Yuri piece, if only because I just adore both of those characters! Actually it was a pic of Conrad that convinced me to watch the series in the first place. How can you not luv a guy in who can make that military uniform look good? =) The second one is an enchanced version of a screen shot of the Maou playing with his water snakes. Those snakes annoy me so much I just can't vector water looking items. LoL But anyway I like the way the Maou turned out he looks very dark and serious in this shot.
Prince of Tennis revisits one of my faves, Kaidoh. Theres just something about a guy who never smiles but works harder than most people would even consider working in the first place that appeals to me. Plus vectoring that bandana is the stuff of nightmares! *shudder* No more, please no more!
12 Kingdoms, or Juuni Kokuki has to be one of the most beautiful and well written animes out there. If you haven't seen this one by now, then go. shoo buy it, download it, steal it...whatever. Ok maybe not steal it, but well get a hold of it, its such a great series. So this walls a pic of the adorable Taiki, if you know the series you know his story. I don't know anyone who is that young and can look that sad and cute at the same time. Adorable! I'm hoping to do a few more walls from this series but its difficult to choose so many pretties to pick from!
Ok so thats my latests, I expect a few more ecards over the next few days so keep and eye out for those and enjoy whats out there so far!
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Monday, June 12, 2006
A forementioned contest...
Ah well unfortunately Sess is having some major computer problems so I guess no contest this time around. With luck they'll put one together for a later date so get to work on those goodies for it!
Lets see from me...gonna add some more ecards tonight and with luck a wallpaper I've been toying with for a while now. Its driving me crazy as I try to get the last little details to work out and not drive me insane... LoL Maybe I do my best work with insanity.
Always grateful for the support for my ecards guys, I really do love to hear how much folks enjoy sending them to friends. =) Even if just for the they're great to annoy my friends with! LoL Its been great to meet a whole new crowd than I have with my wallpapers. See this is what makes the Otaku community just so great! So many crazy people just like me out there waiting to be friends!
Speaking of friends, when your done here make sure to drop in and visit a few of my friends listed. They've got some killer sites and killer works out there just waiting for you to come admire them!
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
Hmm call it a bit of a mood but lately I've found it a bit harder to concentrate on my larger wallpapers. So I've been making random ecards on the site here using screen captures or scans from some of my fave series.
I'm a bit of a quote collector so its been a bit of fluffy fun to try and match screen captures with all the quotes I have on hand. Even more fun to see a screen capture I adore and try and find a quote to suit it. LoL
See now you know what I do at 4am when I can't sleep and my computer is tempting me to create but I'm too tired to really focus!
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Friday, June 9, 2006
Kyou Kara Maou
Hello all and welcome to yet another wonderful Friday before the weekend! Whoohoo! Alright so todays wall is from one of my all time favorite anime series. Though yes I admit I orginally watched it just because there are so many very pretty boys in this series. LoL And ok the original concept intrigued me as well. But I must has I have yet to find and anime series that has managed to make me laugh, cry and sit on the edge of my seat half as much as KKM does. So please please please check it out if you have the chance. It's so worth the time and effort to watch it.
In fact I'm so intrigued by this series that I'm working on several walls portraying my fave characters within it. Thankfully the internet has been a wonderful thing for me in providing beautiful scans even if for some reason they like to fill 80% of the screen with text. Thank god for vectoring talents. LoL Well enjoy this one and keep and eye out for more.
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Well a friend here at Otaku is having a contest so get yourself on over there and enter your goodies. I'll be entering a few of my walls as soon as I decide which one would be the most fun. Any suggestions? =)

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