Hello Everyone! Ah well it's been a pretty good weekend for me so far! I'm happily laying off the pain killers for my leg so I can function without feeling like I'm in a different planet. I swear this is why I really don't like pain killers and such, but hey my legs feeling much better. Unfortunately this does tempt me to want to try walking on it, but I'm being good and resisting. LoL See I can be good when I want to be...or when I have roommates threatening my life if I try it! ^^
Hmm so let’s see what do I know…nothing much really. Being stuck in bed has once again improved my anime viewing so that’s always a fun thing. I’ve watched about a dozen different animes so far. Not all new ones, in fact I’ve been happily re-watching Fruits Basket once again. I do adore that series and it never fails to make me feel better. If I have a choice in my life I’d really like to see life like Tohru does…that optimistic feeling of always wanting what's best for my friends. I really like that. I’m not much like her but I do try. Life has to have goals right? Hehehe

I’m happy to say that I think I’ve managed to visit everyone sites though at least so far. Adam and Massin’s latest update with changing the update listings to show 24 hours rather than midnight to midnight is taking a bit of getting use to. But I think it’s a better choice. I hate missing folks when they post in the evenings since midnight east coast is only 9pm here on the pacific coast. ^^ But I’ve kind of gotten use to seeing all the names go white again at 9pm at least for a few minutes. LoL I almost managed to make it through all my guestbook signings! Whoohoo! So welcome all my new friends, I hope you figure out my insanity pretty quickly and feel right at home. ^^
Today’s word of the day is actually one I’ve had set up for a while now but I wanted to post it this month. Since I was actually a bit curious to see how many people actually knew about White Day. Or understood details about it at least. ^^ So hence my little mini-lesson of the day!
And my latest anime recommendation is for an older anime but a very good one. Kino No Tabi (Kino’s Journey). I will say this is not for the more casual anime viewer. This anime is essentially a look into human nature through the eyes of a young traveler and a talking motorcycle. The protagonist, Kino, accompanied by a talking motorrad, a motorcycle named Hermes, travels through a mystical world of many different countries and forests, each unique in its customs and people. Kino only spends 3 days and 2 nights in every town, without exception, on the principle that three days is enough time to learn almost everything important about a place, while leaving time to explore new lands.
The opening phrase is one of my favorite, “The world is not beautiful.” Kino no Tabi explores what the anime director Ryutaro Nakamura described as "a radical sense of 'beauty," and brutality, loneliness, nonsense, oppression and tragedy are often juxtaposed against compassion and a fairy-tale atmosphere.

Again this anime is not for the faint of heart or those not willing to take a good look at both the light and darker side of human nature. But the first episode hooked me…the second episode held me enthralled…and by the third I knew I would be spending the entire night finishing the series. Which isn’t that hard actually since the series is quite short, only 13 episodes in total. ^^ Oh and I’m not terribly fond of the English dubbing for this series so if you can stand it please check out the Japanese version instead. I quite dislike the voice they choose for Hermes in the English version.
Ah a nice long post form me, now I feel like I’m getting back to normal! ^^ Oh in case you missed them I put up 5 new Vampire Knight wallpapers that I hope folks enjoy. This might be the last of that series for a while unless inspiration strikes again. But so far I’m starting to drift towards a few other series. Hmm and I posted a few e-cards after my last post so if you missed those and like my e-cards jump on over and check those out, too! ^^
Enough already right? LoL Ok I’m off to go explore the wonders of my pillow and get some happy sleep! With dreams of random anime adventures! LoL Take care all and I’ll talk to you later! Keep smiling!