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Seattle, WA
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Hmm I can hold my breath for nine minutes underwater, does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
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See the banner to the right. ^^
Finding the perfect job that will allow me to zone out playing games and watching anime for hours...
Reading all types of books, watching movies, rollarblading, swimming, mountain hiking, playing with my pets, hanging out with friends, attempting to draw (badly mostly; LoL)
Finding cuteness!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Good Morning!
Anime Word of the Day | Bijin (美人) is a Japanese term literally meaning a "beautiful person" (often translated as "a beauty"). Bijin are generally symmetrical, adorned, or even cute. The word bijin is sometimes used to refer to both Bishōnen (male) and Bishōjo (female).
Opening Act:
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week so far! Things are going…hmm ok for me. Unfortunately my South Africa trip may be a bust. My annoying doctor (actually he’s great but I’m annoyed at him right now) is refusing to certify my health for deep dives. And considering that’s what I’d be doing while over there its not the best news. I mean you get your chest crushed once a few years back and these evil doctors just hold it over you forever. ^^ Yeah it’s a long story and the reason I’m no longer in the Marines. Oddly enough body parts break pretty easily from high impacts; I’ll leave it at that for now. Anyway I’m working on convincing him that I’m good to go for the dives. I have been diving recently but not the depths that I’ll need to go this time. Bah, it’s kinda annoying. I mean my lung capacity maybe a bit reduced but I can still as my little achievement boasts I can hold my breath for nine minutes. And this would even be easier I mean I get dive tanks!
Anyway so for now I’m at a dead end on my trip but I’m not giving up. My doc is willing to let me prove my point so I’m going to be doing a bit of working out at his offices to prove that my body can handle the strain. So cross your fingers for me, alright? ^^ Oh for those of you who missed out I’m attempting to make a trip to South Africa to help a friend of mine do research on Great White Sharks. This is mostly done by deep water diving (outside of the dive cage) with the local seals. Hmm sorry folks who like seals but seals = lots of great whites. ^^ Anyway it’s a great opportunity and I’ve gotten all the local approval and those lovely South African government folks have even willing given me the work permit. So if I can get my doctor (or another doctor, Hehehe) to approve I will be going around November 15th.
This is a really great opportunity, but honestly its not the first time I’ve done work like this. Before my little accident I use to work a lot with him on my summer vacations and normal vacations. ^^ Though I’ve never dove with Great Whites outside of the cage I have with other sharks, like tigers and hammerheads. I have a great love for sharks, there’s just something really mesmerizing about their eyes. I’m usually all nervous and twitching when I first get there and when I get in the water…but the moment they start approaching I just get all calm and its like my brain kinda shifts modes. All I can think is I want to stay there forever.
Oh and this is going to be a really long post by the way, I feel like rambling. So skip around if you want I like to chat in the early morning. It’s a weird habit. But I don’t post that often so I don’t feel like I’m torturing you guys too much. LoL
Hmm so many folks having problems with the latest English dubbing of Bleach and Trinity Blood. Well actually most folks are complaining about Bleach, I don’t think most of them had even heard of TB before. Which is sad…I do so love Abel and Tres! ^^ I don’t know I don’t try and judge stuff like this. I mean if I don’t like it, I simply don’t watch it and I let other folks enjoy it if they do. ^^ Makes sense doesn’t it? I mean why should my opinion of a voice actor show you what to watch! Oh well I’ll happily tell you if I enjoyed an anime but if you judge it just on that, well I’m sorry! I’ll run and hide behind my couch or under my desk. It’s pretty comfy under there actually. There’s a blanket and sometime a puppy dog. He’s not there now though…he’s actually asleep shedding all over my bed! O.o Anyway I’ll just say that Bleach and Trinity Blood are great animes in their own rights and I enjoy watching both of them. Though for Bleach I do recommend folks who didn’t like the pilot watch a few more episodes, the pilot doesn’t really sell the show as well as it could have. ^^ I think they tried to push too much together and left out some soul from the piece.
Hmm so I’ve been real busy watching new goodies this week, so many fan subbers working overtime putting out the latest goodies! I’m so happy to see episode 24 of Ouran HS Host Club! So funny and sweet at the same time! I really wish this series was having a longer run than just 26 episodes. *cries* I want more!
Watched the latest episode of The Third and Kiba, all really good. Though Kiba 24 felt too much like and odd filler. Very oddly placed in the series too…I don’t generally hate fillers but it really makes my brain hurt when they just toss them in. Or like Naruto…last for over 100 episodes. Lmao!
Oh and I have to blame Liquid Silver for this…I keep seeing mentions of Fushigi Yuugi in her posts so I had to check out the series. So…I blame you! Now I’m in love with another series! LoL Though it really reminds me of another series I’ve seen Harukanaru no Toki. The whole girl gets pulled into another world with really cute bishies theme is always a fun one!
Manga love! Ok finished a bunch of D Gray-man and such a good series. I highly recommend it for anyone who hasn’t read the series yet and well likes manga! ^^ Also read a bit of two new series, Switch and 07 Ghost. I’m really intrigued by both of them though so far I’ve only managed to locate one volume of both! So tricky finding good copies of manga. Anyway Switch is about a rookie cop who investigates drug dealers and such, he’s a really sweet caring guy…until something pushes him over the edge. And he’s just switches…hmm psycho is a good term for what he becomes. LoL 07 Ghosts is a bit harder to explain it’s a fantasy piece revolving around a boy named Teito whose forgotten his past but is believed to have been a former slave. Hmm he’s actually royalty and highly wanted. LoL Its funny and sad all at the same time!
See I told you this was going to be a long one…and here you thought I was kidding. ^^
New Works:
Yay for Adam adding a Black Cat hub! Finally all the my kitty goodies have a home! So in honor of the new hub I’ve added a new Black Cat wallpaper. A rather interesting work I’m proud of between Train and Creed. I’ve also placed 3 new wallpapers from the manga D Gray-man so enjoy those if you’d like. ^^ I did a group one and one of Rabi and one of Kanda. ^^ All my faves so enjoy!
Lots of new e-cards too! Especially from Ouran and Bleach this time around. I’m still in an e-card mood so expect to see more and more of those coming around.
And a completely wow moment…my wallpaper downloads has reached 30000. Wow! Thank you everyone so much! I really really appreciate not only the visits and the friends I’ve made here but the endless encouragement these downloads give me! I find it completely amazing some days to look at my past works and see how many folks have taken the time to download them. I really do luv you guys! ^^ Aww and of course I get a smile on my face when I see that my e-cards have been sent out over 800 times as well! Such a lovely thing!
Aww my ideal vacation is Cairns, Australia. I just love it there so much! I get to play in the rain forest, go diving, go sailing, go desert hiking. And well go shopping! LoL
Mamma Vash - What other places have you been to? Oh you want the easy answer or the long answer? LoL I’ve been just about everywhere. I’ve visited every continent, even Antarctica! It’s pretty but kinda cold. Hehehe I use to make it a point to spend every vacation I had some place new. Thankfully my family moved a ton as well so letting me run off to foreign countries really wasn’t a big deal for them either. My goal right now actually is to make it to every island of notable status. ^^ I’m about half way there actually, I have a huge map in my room where I keep track of my trips so I don’t double up. Well some places have really similar names! I get confused easily when I get time off! Traveling is just about my fave thing so I’ve been a lot of similar minded friends over the years and we tend to just disappear and go play together. ^^
Elves – Oh you picked one of the main reasons I download anime! LoL I just can’t handle waiting for new goodies! I get so annoyed when I catch up a series in real time as my friends call it! LOL I was so happy when I started watching Naruto and it was already 60 eps or so in. I could get chunks at a time! I hate being caught up! Lmao!
Random Question: What decorates the walls of your favorite room?
Rikiya Koyama’s Biography |
 Other Names:小山 力也
Born: December 13, 1963 in Kyoto Japan
Blood Type: O
Occupation: Voice Actor/Actor
Oh one of my new favorite voice actors. I first heard him as the troubled voice of Hakuoro in Utawarerumono. Such a wonderful series and such a stunning character! Rikiya truly brought this character to life for me and made me eager to check out more about him. I was truly surprised to see he’d voiced some other fave characters of mine and I hadn’t noticed! Oh the things we learn with age! LoL
Rikiya is actually a well known theater actor in Japan and has some a variety of main lead roles. He’s currently a member of the Haiyuza Theatre Company and has portrayed various roles in various countries on tours. He also did the dubbing for the voice of Dr Doug Ross from the US drama ER in Japan. This dubbing actually caused a huge leap in his fame in Japan and brought him a recurring theme of dubbing roles by George Clooney. ^^ He’s currently the voice dubber for Jack Bauer on the Japanese version of the hit series 24 as well. Ok and a happy note for me he also dubbed the voice of Crush from Finding Nemo for the Japanese version!
Sorry I wasn’t able to locate an official web site for Rikiya. ^^ Next time perhaps.
Just a short listing of his voice acting career.
- Case Closed as Saku Norifumi (ep 199)
- D.N.Angel as Police Chief Hiwatari
- Eureka 7 as Norb (ep 34-40)
- Sokyu No Fafner as Seiichirou Kaname
- Fate/stay night as Kiritsugu Emiya
- Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid as Belfangan Grouseaux
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex as Hideo Kuze
- Honey and Clover II as Mac Carlos
- Hajime no Ippo as Mamoru Takamura
- Ninja Scroll: The Series as Jubei Kibagami
- Noein - Mou Hitori no Kimi e as Kuina
- Pataliro Saiyuki! as Sa Gojou
- Soul Taker as Zabo (ep 6)
- Utawarerumono as Hakuoro
- Witchblade as Reiji Takayama
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shambala as Rudolf Hess
- Fushigi Yugi Eikoden (OAV) as Shu Tendo
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