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Seattle, WA
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Hmm I can hold my breath for nine minutes underwater, does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
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See the banner to the right. ^^
Finding the perfect job that will allow me to zone out playing games and watching anime for hours...
Reading all types of books, watching movies, rollarblading, swimming, mountain hiking, playing with my pets, hanging out with friends, attempting to draw (badly mostly; LoL)
Finding cuteness!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Dance like there's no one watching!
Anime Word of the Day | Bishōjo (美少女; びしょうじょ; literally, "beautiful young girl"), also spelled bishoujo, is a Japanese term used to refer to young and pretty girls, usually below college age. It is sometimes considered the mildest form of fanservice, particularly if older women would be more appropriate characters. A "bishōjo series" is a series directed towards a male audience predominantly featuring such characters, and usually a single token male character, if any. It is distinguished from the similar sounding shōjo demographic by referring to the gender of the characters, not the intended audience. Shōjo is manga/anime for girls; bishōjo is manga/anime about pretty girls, usually targeted towards a male audience.
Opening Act:
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I’ve spent most of it working out in my gym’s pool. And I do mean most of it. LOL Though honestly today I slept for 12 hours…O.o I guess I must have been a little bit tired.
Oh some of you were a bit confused about why I need medical approval to go on the trip, well I don’t need it to travel there and play around. But in order to do the research work I have to be medically certified for the deep dives. And well going there without being able to dive would most likely drive me to insanity! ^^ Oh and don’t worry about my accident, it was a long time ago and I’m well over it. I do appreciate the concern however, its very sweet of you guys. ^^
I watched an older anime this weekend the Violinist of Hameln…it’s rather interesting. My roomies can’t seem to watch it with me; I guess stop motion animation isn’t there thing. LoL I can’t help trying to explain to them that animation is expensive and back in the 90’s you used lots of techniques to save money when making odd animes. LoL Anyway it’s a fantasy story that’s fairly predictable but enjoyable nonetheless. I’m rather intrigued by Hameln who places a magical music using a violin. (Which oddly enough looks like a cello to me. LoL). Still I’m quite fond of classical music so it’s interesting to see which pieces he plays each episode. They’ve got a rather nice bit of variety and play some of my fave pieces too! Hmm maybe that’s why I’m biased. LoL
I was a little disappointed in Trinity Blood this weekend, but not for any voice actor errors. I just disliked the fact they had Tres saying “Positive” all the time. LoL Hmm I believe the term you want is “Affirmative.” It’s a military reply…hence an answer to orders. Oh well I’ll deal. Its still one of the prettiest shows out there…and I do so love Tres and Abel!
I also spent way too much time surfing the net this week looking for new icons and goodies to play with! LoL
New Works:
Created several new wallpapers this weekend. 4 Prince of Tennis wps and 2 Black Cat wallpapers. The Black Cat is actually the same image with a lighting variation…I couldn’t decide which version I liked best so I posted both.
And well this leads right into my new theme! I honor of the new Black Cat hub I’ve decided to change themes for a bit. So this time my theme revolves around the lovely Train Heartnet. I chose to go with the manga version over the anime one, simply because I really like this shot of Train. LoL I rather enjoyed both the anime and the manga though they tended to have quite different storylines around the same plot. Hehehe Anyway enjoy the new theme!
Oh and probably some new e-cards as well. ^^
Hmm I guess my bedroom would be my fave room and it’s covered in a variety of things. I have a bunch of paintings and anime posters. I also have a huge fan with a black jaguar painted on it on my largest wall. ^^ I also have lots of little shelves with collectibles spread out around it. I love dust collectors. Hehehe
Bunraku - What do you consider "Notable status"? How many islands are on your list? Usually notable for me means I don’t have to travel there by boat, which means an airport. I tend to go by having a city of more than 10000 people as a good island to visit. ^^ Hmm there are about 100 islands left on my list. I’ve been to about 130 so far. ^^
How deep would you have to dive for this trip? It varies a bit however the deepest I would be diving is 50 meters. Which honestly is about double what I normally end up doing on dives…we usually stop around 20 meters.
Vestque – Dangerous? Oh don’t worry I don’t plan on messing with the sharks in anyway. Most of what we do is observation and tracking of the big beauties. I have no aspirations to suddenly risk my life. We’re extremely careful not only for our own safety but because we want the sharks to act as normally as possible with us in the water with them. Having them around us is not natural behavior after all. ^^ Thankfully sharks have great memories and once they identify you as ‘not food’ they pretty much ignore your existence. Hehehe
Yensid – Oh yes touching the noses of sharks is a great way to communicate with them. ^^ They have extremely sensitive noses so if you can touch them there they are less likely to continue the attack. It use to be thought that you had to hit the shark on the nose to distract them, but honestly a simple touch is enough. Sharks are very curious but their thoughts are pretty simple. Food or not food. ^^ Unfortunately sharks don’t exactly have hands to examine things with so they test objects with their mouths. It’s why sharks will come bite buoys, surfboards, cages, etc. They’re just checking to see if it’s edible. Once they determine it they pretty much ignore that object. Now here’s the fun question for you…how do you think I prove to a shark I’m not food, when they have to bite to make that determination? ^^
Mamma Vash - You were in the Marines? How long? I was in the Marines for a 4 year term. However I was injured in my second year and finished the run on medical leave. Before being medically discharged from the Corp.
And traveled to Antarctica ! Did you see penguins? You know oddly enough I’ve seen more penguins in Australia and Africa than I did in Antarctica! LoL I love penguins too, they’re just too cute!
I wonder how you have all the energy you do to put in all your varied interests? Oh you didn’t know? I run on caffeine! Hehehe Lots and lots of Mountain Dew!
Random Question: If your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too?
Takashi Kondo’s Biography |
 Other Names: Family name (in kanji): 近藤 - Given name (in kanji): 隆
Date of birth: 1979-05-12
Hometown: Aichi, Japan
Blood type: A
Occupation: Voice Actor/Actor
Well in honor of the new layout I decided to place the voice actor for Train on the site. Though he hasn’t done a lot of lead roles he did a great job as Train. For those who know the series know that Train tends to change personality occasionally from a darker character to a rather silly one. Takashi did a great job bringing this across in his acting style.
Just a short listing of his voice acting career.
- Beyblade as Miguel
- Black Cat as Train Heartnett
- Glass Mask as Hasegawa (ep 19-22)
- Himawari! as Yonezawa-kun
- Ichigo 100% as Ookusa
- Initial D: Fourth Stage as Saiyu
- Inu Yasha as Kisuke (ep.129)
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn! as Kyouya Hibari
- Red Garden as JC
- Scrapped Princess as Leopolde Scorpse
- Soukou no Strain as Ralph Willeck
- Spider Riders as Shadow
- The Prince of Tennis as Shiratama
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