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Seattle, WA
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Hmm I can hold my breath for nine minutes underwater, does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
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See the banner to the right. ^^
Finding the perfect job that will allow me to zone out playing games and watching anime for hours...
Reading all types of books, watching movies, rollarblading, swimming, mountain hiking, playing with my pets, hanging out with friends, attempting to draw (badly mostly; LoL)
Finding cuteness!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Perfect Sunday Morning!
Anime Word of the Day | Josei manga (Japanese: 女性, lit. "woman",) is a genre of manga or anime created mostly by women, for late teenage and adult female audiences. The male equivalent to josei is seinen. In Japanese, the word josei means only "female" and is not directly indicative of sexual matter. The stories tend to be about everyday experiences of women living in Japan. Though there are some that cover high school, most cover the lives of adult women. The style also tends to be a more restrained, realistic version of shōjo, keeping some of the wispy features and getting rid of the very large sparkly eyes. (e.g. Gokusen, Blue, Honey & Clover, Kimi wa Petto.)
Opening Act:
Man sorry folks about my little disappearing act there, afraid I haven’t been around much this week so I’ll apologize now for missing out on site updates and visiting your sites. But I plan on doing that right after posting this little rambling piece. So hopefully I can get caught up on all your lives as well! ^^
Sorry to say I wasn’t gone for any fun reason, just picked up a new work assignment and its been one heck of a project to work my way through. I’m still not done actually, but I figure they don’t need me to work on a Sunday. Ok well at least not on a Sunday morning. LoL I’ll probably end up doing another packet tonight since money is a good thing. And there are new mangas out that I seem to be in desperate need for. Hehehe
Fortunately I’m pretty good at arranging my schedule so I’ve kept working out in the pool and doing cardio at the gym working on improve my dear lungs. So far so good, though I honestly started having doubts about my own abilities after the first couple of days. But as my daddy always said, No Pain, No Gain. ^^ And well if pain is an indicator I’m definitely going to reach my goal and be able to go on that dive!
I’m falling a bit behind on my anime viewing unfortunately though I did just get copies of Peace Maker Kurogane, so I’m looking forward to watching that when I get some spare time. ^^ As well as catching up on all the latest stuff.
New Works:
Sorry no new wallpapers though I think I have some new e-cards since when I posted last. I work on them periodically while waiting for search programs to finish their runs so I randomly post them when I get a chance. ^^ Besides I meet some of the most interesting folks making those e-cards. Nice to know there are people as crazy as I am out there. LoL

Hmm did someone try and post in the last couple of days and have it deleted or something? LoL I see a post in the comment manager but I can’t read it. Making me rather sad actually. So if you posted recently please check and see if it was yours that was deleted. I’d really like to know what the post said. LoL It’s like getting a teaser for a game and not being able to see the vid. ^^
Ok so I’m actually the kind of friend who would lead the rest off the bridge, I’m not really sure I should answer that question. LoL Honestly though bridge jumping is fun, assuming there’s deep water underneath and you’re not feeling suicidal. ^^ Cause that would be bad. Bungee jumping is good too…I enjoy that a lot, but I don’t like the crane jumps…I don’t like cranes. They don’t seem safe. LoL
sakura-star - This guy is an actor for PoT? I haven't seen ze whole thing but who exactly IS Shiratama? - Well if you blinked you probably missed Takashi’s part. LoL Shiratama was the ‘top’ player in the flashback of Akutsu’s childhood. I believe it was episode 34.
lordsesshomaru – oh man darn you for having logic! Ok your right in Japanese the term for affirmative is indeed three syllables. So darn you! I won’t complain about that anymore. Hehehe Ok it still sounds funny though but it makes more sense than I’d given them credit for. ^^ Such a smart guy you are. ^^
bunraku - Can you give any examples of Bishojo? Hmm hard one for me since I don’t tend to watch this genre, but most Harem animes are considered Bishojo. Oh and Elfen Lied is as well. A good sign is a cast of mainly females and one male character. There maybe be other men in the anime but they tend to have a background role and do not tend to interact with the main lead females.
ElvesAteMyRamen - Ever hear of Record of Lodoss Wars? Oh that was actually one of the first animes I ever watched! A rather fun one if I remember right…I remember admiring the elves a lot. LoL Unfortunately it’s been so long I don’t think I remember the plot! ^^
Grifter99 – Aww sorry to hear about your co-worker. But don’t worry too much about me; I’m big on safety first. Yeah I know diving with sharks isn’t the safest thing in the world, but honestly my chances are dying in a car wreck are a lot more than being eaten. ^^ Plus we’re going with a large crew so accidents in the diving itself shouldn’t happen, or at least if they do they’ll be contained.
Yensid – Takashi is such a pretty voice actor isn’t he? I had to really work hard to find the picture I wanted to place there. And usually it’s so easy! LOL Don’t worry I’m not planning on jumping off any bridges in the near future…the question came up when I was talking to my parents about this Africa trip and they did that whole line I love. ‘Just because your friends are doing it doesn’t mean you have to.’ Hehehe I love that phrase. Heck most of the time I’m the one making the crazy plan. ^^ Oh and how to convince a shark you’re not food. ^^ Let him bite you. Simple no? LoL Actually what we do the first few times we’re in the water we carry these metal pipes that can easily slide over our arms and when the sharks approach to see if we’re yummy, we let them bite the pipe rather than us. Sharks have great memories so once they test you out they won’t try to attack you again unless you provoke one. Which of course we don’t want to do. LoL Hmm I didn’t notice the Trinity Blood music/voice overlapping too badly on my TV, but I have a stereo system that filters stuff like that so I probably wouldn’t hear the difference. I’m sorry yours is kinda messed up though, it’s such a good series I’d hoped you get to enjoy it.
Miss Anonymous – Hope you liked the e-cards! And yup I submitted one of the kitty from .hack Sign recently. I just love that kitty. Hehehe
Mamma Vash – Oh yes go read Black Cat, it’s a lovely fun series to read! ^^ Ooh Death Note!! Such a lovely series! I’m so excited to see the anime for it come out this fall. Err...actually in like a month! * happy dances * Oh yes I’ve seen Descendents of Darkness, its actually one of the few animes I prefer to watch in English. Did you catch it on AZN? They reshow it fairly often there. Its only 13 episodes though so it’s a pretty quick run. Hehehe But a great show, as long as you don’t mind some light yaoi.
EternalParadise – Hmm I didn’t really consider Trinity Blood to be a horror type show. I mean it’s a bit darker but more dramatic dark than scary dark. Lots of violence though so if you’re not into that might want to avoid the series. ^^
Elicia-Hughes – Yup Trinity Blood is about vampires, but its not your typical story about vampires. Actually these vampires aren’t even human. Here’s the gist, after a huge war that ripped apart out planet these ‘vampires’ arrived from the darkness of space and made their home here on Earth. They came in and took over nations and countries and the world as split in two between the Vampires and the Vatican. Now not all vampires are bad guys, some actually care for the humans in their nation. Others are completely evil and are hunted. Trinity Blood follows several members of the Vatican’s special forces team. Especially focusing around Abel Nightroad a silly priest who is in fact a Crusnik. Or a vampire who feeds on other vampires. ^^
Random Question: Are you looking forward to any new anime series for the fall run?
Greg Ayres Biography |
 Other Names: Greg Ayers, Bam-Bam
Date of birth: December 7, 1968 in Richmond, Virginia
Age: 37
Occupation: Voice Actor/DJ/Fan boy
Ok there has to be very few of you out there how don’t recognize this voice actor. LoL Though he tends to have roles as secondary characters he’s probably one of the most famous voice actors out there. Mostly for the fact I’ve never seen him not attend a convention that has asked him. LoL And he always makes an amazing impression, between his color changing hair to his open and friendly treatment of all the fans. Of course it’s not hard to see where he’s coming from, not that long ago he was just a fan like us. ^^
If you go to his website feel free to drop him an e-mail or annoy him on AIM. LoL ^^ Once again if you’re interested in knowing more about Greg just click on his photo above and you can visit his official website.
Just a short listing of his voice acting career.
- Mahou Sensei Negima - Negi Springfield
- Samurai 7 - Heihachi Hayashida
- Gunslinger Girl - Emilio
- Full Metal Panic - Shinji Kazama
- Fullmetal Alchemist - Bido
- Chrono Crusade - Chrono
- DNAngel - Satoshi Hiwatari
- Saiyuki - Son Goku
- Spiral - Kousuke Asazuki
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (Directors Cut) - Kaworu Nagisa
- Peace Maker Kurogane - Shinpachi Nagakura
- Saint Seiya - Tatsyua, Daichi
- Pretear - Mannen
- Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok - Heimdall/Kazumi Higashiyama
- Burst Angel - Kyohei Tachibana
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