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Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Information Overload! ^^
Anime Word of the Day | Honorifics - In Japan, it is common to use honorific titles after a person's name. The most common title is san, which means all of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Ms." Hence, in Japanese, Mr. Tanaka is referred to as Tanaka-san. Other common titles include, sama, sensei, kun and chan. These titles are placed after the name. They are not usually used with one's own name. Correct use of titles is considered very important in Japan. In most situations, omitting a title when calling someone, called yobisute (呼び捨て) (literally, "call and leave off [the title]") is considered very bad manners.
San (さん) is the most common honorific title, used when addressing most social outsiders, for example, non-family members. San is used unless the addressee's status warrants one of the other terms mentioned below. San is often translated as "Mr.", "Ms.", "Mrs.", and the like. San may also be used in combination with things other than the name of the person being addressed. For example, a bookseller might be addressed as honya-san "Mr. Bookseller", and a butcher as nikuya-san "Ms. Butcher".
Kun (君) is an informal and intimate honorific primarily used towards males. It is used by persons of senior status in addressing those of junior status, by males of roughly the same age and status when addressing each other, and by anyone in addressing male children. In business settings women, particularly young women, may also be addressed as kun by older males of senior status. It is sometimes used towards male pets as well.
Chan (ちゃん) is a term of endearment suffix, used to refer to children, animals, and people whom one has known since they were children. To use chan for adults whom one has not known since their childhood requires considerable intimacy, less for women than for men. Attaching chan to a modified stem is more intimate than attaching it to the full form of the basic name. Chan may also used for celebrities as a title of affection.
Sama (様) is the formal version of san. This honorific is used primarily in addressing persons much higher in rank than oneself and in commercial and business settings to address and refer to customers. It also appears in words used to address or speak of persons or objects for which the speaker wishes to show respect or deference, such as okyaku-sama (customer) or Tateishi-sama (a stone revered as a deity). Additionally, Japanese Christians will refer to God in prayer as Kami-sama. People will also affix sama to the names of personages who have a special talent and are considered particularly attractive, though this usage can also be tongue-in-cheek, exaggerated, or even ironic.
Shi (氏) is used in formal writing, and sometimes in very formal speech, for referring to a person who is unfamiliar to the speaker, typically a person known through publications whom the speaker has never met. For example, the shi title is common in the speech of newsreaders. It is preferred in legal documents, academic journals, and certain other formal written styles. Once a person's name has been used with shi, the person can be referred to with shi alone, without the name, as long as there is only one person being referred to.
Opening Act:
Ok so this week’s word of the day is pretty long, sorry about that. This one was actually a special request by a few friends of mine. However if you don’t watch the Japanese versions of the show you could probably care less about this. LoL However I’ve found that quite a few viewers don’t know which honorifics to add to the end of people’s names. So I went ahead and put this together. With luck it’ll answer some questions.
I am keeping this posting short for two reasons, one that word of the day is really long and I’m adding another list down below that will be quite long as well. So I guess this is a more educational post than my usual rambling! LoL Enjoy!
New Works:
Sorry no new wallpapers, I’m struggling with a certain image I want to turn into a wallpaper and its just not cooperating. Evil graphics.

Hmm its occurred to me that I asked a rude question for folks who aren’t like me and look up everything coming over from Japan. I do apologize and well I thought I would make this a little easier for you. The following is a list of animes scheduled to come out this fall, some actually premiered this month but I like them so I thought I’d add them too! Animes with *’s are ones I’m greatly looking forward too. And if you’re interested in any of them, all are linked to a database where you can get more information about the show itself. ^^
Ok there’s probably a lot more that I’m forgetting, but this list was getting way long an I was starting to go blind. So that’s all you get for now. ^^ If you know of any more you’re looking forward too you can just toss them in the comments!
Random Question: What was/is your favorite subject in school?
PS: No voice actor this time, I figure you’ve made you learn enough today! LoL
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