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Hmm I can hold my breath for nine minutes underwater, does that count?
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Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
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Finding the perfect job that will allow me to zone out playing games and watching anime for hours...
Reading all types of books, watching movies, rollarblading, swimming, mountain hiking, playing with my pets, hanging out with friends, attempting to draw (badly mostly; LoL)
Finding cuteness!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Education is fun!
Anime Word of the Day | Honorifics Part 2 - Ok this is the second part of last post’s lesson on the usages of honorifics in Japan. So if you missed that jump onto the Archive and study to your hearts content! ^^ This section focuses on the less used honorific in society, though I’m certain you’ve noticed them used in anime fairly often.
Dono and tono (both written 殿) is the title that literally means 'Lord' or 'Lady,' and also 'milord' and 'milady'. This title is no longer used in daily conversation, though it is still used in some types of written business correspondence. Fans of anime and manga may notice that the use of this honorific is not uncommon, in particular you’ll notice this title used in shows set in archaic times or revolving around samurais and ninjas.
Ue (上) literally means "above" and, appropriately, denotes a high level of respect. While its use is no longer very common, it is still seen in constructions like 父上 (chichi-ue) and 母上 (haha-ue), reverent terms for one's own, or someone else's, father and mother, respectively.
Iemoto (家元) is an even more polite version of sensei used for the highest ranking person heading a school or group in traditional art forms such as calligraphy, flower arrangement or tea ceremony. It is not generally used with the martial arts.
Heika (陛下) is affixed to the end of a royal title, with a meaning similar to "Majesty". For example, Tennō heika (天皇陛下) means "His Majesty, the Emperor" and Joō heika (女王陛下) means "Her Majesty, the Queen" (e.g. of Denmark). Heika by itself can also be used as a direct term of address, similar to "Your Majesty".
Denka (殿下) is affixed to the end of a royal title, with a meaning similar to "Royal Highness" or "Majesty". For example Suwēden Ōkoku Bikutoria Kōtaishi denka (スウェーデン王国 ビクトリア皇太子殿下) "Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of the Kingdom of Sweden".
Kakka (閣下) means "Your Excellency" and is used for ambassadors and heads of state.
Hime is used as an honorific if one were addressing a princess. For example, the anime Princess Mononoke is called in Japanese Mononoke Hime. Hime may also be used as a euphemism for the Princess, often addressing her as "Hime". In English you would be saying Princess, addressing her by her title.
Renshi (連師) often refers to an advanced instructor. Renshi means "teacher" or "one who has mastered himself." In many styles, it is awarded around the 5th degree godan (五段) or 6th degree rokudan (六段?) black belt level.
Kyoshi (俠師) refers to a master instructor. It is the second formal teaching rank. This title is usually awarded to one who has achieved a rank of 7th or 8th degree black belt (nanadan (七段) or hachidan (八段). Kyoshi are typically regarded as those who have distinguished themselves as expert teachers or instructors.
Hanshi (藩師) or sometimes Shihan (師藩) refers to the senior instructor of instructors. This title is usually conferred at the 9th (kyudan) or 10th dan (jyudan) ranking, usually by the senior leader or leadership of the organization. This title is given to a senior instructor who has distinguished himself as a teacher of teachers.
Opening Act:
Hello Everyone! As you can see today’s word of the day is pretty long as well, this is actually part two of my little lesson on Honorifics and I hope you find it as interesting as you did the first part! ^^ Plus this answer LS’s question in the comments so that’s a bonus for me! Hehehe
Been a fairly busy day for me, I’ve been working on designing a new wallpaper for a contest over at sweetdevil’s place. If you’re into making wallpapers you should definitely run over there and enter the contest. ^^ I like having some fun competition!

Also for some reason beyond my understanding even though we’re nicely into fall Seattle has decided to have a heat wave! It’s driving me crazy. I hate hot weather; I mean that’s why I live in Seattle! LoL Spending all day today sweating and having my hair melt just isn’t my idea of fun.
New Works:
Hmm actually all my time was spent working on that contest piece…so nothing new. I’m sorry! I really need to stop doing screen captures and get to work on some creative stuff. There as so many things I feel the urge to create wallpapers for and I’ve been so distracted lately. Maybe I’ll buckle down and work this weekend on goodies for you guys!

Back in high school my fave subject was English. I just loved any class that gave me the excuse to read tons of books. And I had one of the best English teachers ever, he was the only one who actually encouraged my love for the obscure rather than trying to force me to read only classics! I miss him…I should send him a thank you one of these days. ^^
I’m glad you guys enjoyed the list of upcoming animes as well! I know the list is pretty huge but in all honestly that this was only covering this falls premieres. LoL I didn’t even include the ones that are premiering with the new year! Yeah I’m an addict I know!
Random Question: Have you ever attended an anime convention? And if so what was your fave part of it?
Takahiro Sakurai’s Biography |
 Other Names: Family name (in kanji): 櫻井 - Given name (in kanji): 孝宏
Date of birth: June 13, 1974 in Aichi, Japan
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Voice Actor
Ok if there is a voice actor out there who has done more sexy anime voices I don’t know of one! I just love Takahiro’s voice! His voice alone gives me shivers! I honestly think he’s one of those voice actors who makes me check out series just to hear his voice as a character. Is that a bit crazy or what? Anyway I’m just thrilled to see him confirmed to be Kanda’s voice in the upcoming D. Gray-man!
Just a short listing of his voice acting career.
- Suzaku Kururugi in Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion
- Bit Cloud in Zoids: New Century Zero
- • Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Last Order: Final Fantasy VII, Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, & the Kingdom Hearts series
- Dragon Shiryu in Saint Seiya Hades: Inferno
- Endou Kazuki in Gakuen Heaven
- Fakir in Princess Tutu
- Jenos Hazard in Black Cat
- Kagami Kyoji in GetBackers
- Kira Izuru in Bleach
- Kishimoto Kaoru & Toshinori Honda in Hikaru no Go
- Lan Di in Shenmue
- Leon Oswald in Kaleido Star
- Loki (the older voice of that character) in Matantei Loki Ragnarok
- Sasame in Prétear
- Seiji Midou in Tsukuyomi - Moon Phase
- Shibuya Yuuri in Kyou Kara Maou!
- Shun Ukiya in Gate Keepers
- Suzumu Yamazaki in Peacemaker Kurogane
- Yu Kanda in D.Gray-man
- Haseo in .hack//Roots
- Jirou Mochizuki in Black Blood Brothers
- Ray Lundgren in Gun x Sword
- Joe Shimamura/009 in Cyborg 009
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