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Seattle, WA
Member Since
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Hmm I can hold my breath for nine minutes underwater, does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
Favorite Anime
See the banner to the right. ^^
Finding the perfect job that will allow me to zone out playing games and watching anime for hours...
Reading all types of books, watching movies, rollarblading, swimming, mountain hiking, playing with my pets, hanging out with friends, attempting to draw (badly mostly; LoL)
Finding cuteness!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Rainy day fun times!
Anime Word of the Day | Hentai (変態 or へんたい) is a Japanese word that means "strange appearance". However, in colloquial situations it often means "perverted" and is subsequently used in many other countries to refer to anime, manga, and computer games with explicit sexual or pornographic content. The word is not used this way in Japanese; commonly used terms include "jū hachi kin" (18禁; prohibited for sale to persons under 18), "ecchi/H anime" (sexual/pornographic anime) "eroanime" (エロアニメ; derived from erotic anime), or "seinen" (成年; adult). The term "hentai" is commonly used (outside of Japan) to refer to pornographic animation in general that is not necessarily anime or manga. This is most often the case if the said animation is an imitation of a pre-existing cartoon or character.

Opening Act:
Hello Everyone! Wow I can’t believe it’s been a week since I last posted, sorry about that. I got into a bit of creative and forgot to post. LoL I guess that’s better than just disappearing right? ^^
Well this post I decided to make a list of things I’d like to see added to MyO some time in the future. Mostly because I don’t have much to talk about but also because I’m curious about stuff you guys want to see added. ^^
1. I’d love to be able to add comments to e-cards and wallpapers when uploading them so people can know what I was thinking when I posted them. This is already available for fan art and fan manga, so why not those two as well?
2. I’d like to see a voting system like the fan art section has added to the e-card section. Right now the only way to let someone know you like their work is to either send it or write a comment. And well I right a lot of comments but even I can get tired of that after a while. And honestly I don’t send many e-cards even though I make tons of them. LoL
3. I’d the comment manager to be able either able to show more comments or at least offer a way to open up an archive or something of them. Quite often I post a large group of items at one time and if more than five people comment on various things I can’t see them on the comment manager. This isn’t too bad if folks are just commenting on the latest but I hate missing comments on my older works at the same time.
4. I’d like to have a better system for seeing who has updated their sites. Quite often I’m only here once a day so seeing what day someone posted doesn’t always help. And with long lists of friends its too easy to overlook an update. I’d love to see something like forums have that show you who has posted since you were last logged in.
So that’s just my thoughts for this Saturday morning I honestly don’t expect anything from this, I just felt like making a list. Hehehe And this list looked like more fun than cleaning my house. ^^
New Works:
Bunches and bunches of new e-cards. Hmm like 20 of them? Something like that anyway from shows like The Third, Fruits Basket, Naruto, berserk, GetBackers, Ouran…and hmm probably a few more for good measure. ^^
A couple of new simple wallpapers as well, two from The Third and one from D.Gray-man. Just a couple of shots I felt deserved a bigger place on my desktop. Hehehe Check them out if you’d like and have fun! ^^
EDIT! LoL Ok I also just added three Black Cat wallpapers! I just felt like a little Train and Sven love! ^^ Enjoy!

Ah much thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and comments about my military service. I have to admit it was one of the best things I’ve done with my life and I do regret no longer being with the Corp. Unfortunately medical discharge means no more service time for me. But I try to do what I can for other military folks so that makes it a bit easier to take.
Again Child’s Play banner on the top of the site! ^^ Donate if you can, pass it on if you can. ^^ And yes for those of you who asked you’re welcome to take that banner for use on your own sites and such. That’s actually one of the official banners from the site so use it all you want! ^^
Thanks so much for the comments about the new theme…I’m just so fond of these big kitties, I couldn’t resist making this theme while getting set up for my Christmas/Winter theme. ^^
Happy note the flood in my area is pretty much all done now, thank goodness. My stream is nice and small again and the ground is finally starting to dry up. Whoohoo! Hehehe
Random Question: Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? If so, what’s your plans?
Chuck Huber’s Biography |
Date of birth: May 8, 1971 in Dallas, Texas
Age: 35
Occupation: Voice Actor/Teacher/School Faculty
“You may find this scary but from my perspective, looking at kids all my life, ‘cos I’m a teacher and a principal, I work in a school. And the kids here, you can tell the sort of quality of kid right off the bat and the kids at anime conventions are some of THE best kids America has to offer.”
Chuck is honestly one of my favorite voice actors! I became a fan of his pretty much the moment I heard him voice Hiei. I can only wish he spent more time on voice work than he does in school. LoL Ok I suppose being a teacher and such is important too, but darn it I want more voice acting!
Just a short listing of his voice acting career.
- Baki the Grappler as Nomura/Gaia
- Blue Gender as Seamus Han
- Dragon Ball as Emperor Pilaf; Hermit Crane
- Dragon Ball GT as Pilaf
- Dragon Ball Z as Android 17; Garlic Jr.; Vinegar
- Fullmetal Alchemist as Shou Tucker
- Kodocha as Tanaka
- Samurai 7 as The Royal Envoy
- Speed Grapher as Jeweler
- Trinity Blood as Father Vaclav Havel
- Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files as Hiei
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