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Seattle, WA
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Hmm I can hold my breath for nine minutes underwater, does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Forever and a day...ok actually the first real anime that I watched was Inuyasha about five years ago. So not that long actually.
Favorite Anime
See the banner to the right. ^^
Finding the perfect job that will allow me to zone out playing games and watching anime for hours...
Reading all types of books, watching movies, rollarblading, swimming, mountain hiking, playing with my pets, hanging out with friends, attempting to draw (badly mostly; LoL)
Finding cuteness!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Tis the Season!
> Anime Word of the Day | Enjo kosai (援助交際), or "dating for assistance", is a practice in Japan where high school-aged girls are paid by older men to accompany them on dates and sometimes to render sexual services. Most observers, especially overseas, regard it as a form of child prostitution, although it need not involve sexual activities; it often does not even involve kissing or holding hands. Enjo kōsai is linked with the consumerist kogal subculture. It appeared after the end of the 1980s economic boom, and many observers believe that it serves as a way for young girls to preserve the lifestyle of that era, despite their families' more difficult financial situations. |

 | Opening Act:
Hello everyone! I think I’m just going to permanently apologize how long it takes me to post my very long posts here. LoL Oh well at least that means you just have to visit once in a while and not every day to know I’m off doing weird stuff without you guys!
I made it back from Vancouver, Canada safe and sound and finished up the job on Thursday. Which means I made it back home to Seattle in time for a nasty wind storm that tried to put a tree through my house. Just kidding! Though it put some trees through other people’s homes, not mine! I pretty much just spent the day with a big old power outage all day. And once we got the power back on it pretty much just kept flickering all day today as well. Guess it was a subtle hint I should get some sleep rather than playing on the internet! ^^
Hmm closest I got to watching a new anime was catching the first few episodes of an older series called Saint Beast. It’s not a very good show…but wow the characters are so very very pretty. I’m tempted to make some wallpapers and e-cards from the series just for that reason. LoL But seriously if you’re looking for a plot don’t watch this series but if you want lots of cute bishies then yeah check it out. I mean its only six episodes long! It won’t exactly eat into your life to watch it.
Hmm anyone know a translation for the Japanese word Mokkun? It’s just bugging me…pretty soon I’m going to resort to calling Japan and asking. LoL
New Works:
Alas no new goodies this week, I have high hopes to create some goodies this weekend! Wish me luck!
Oh some of you asked what I was doing up in Vancouver. Well what I do for a living is a bit odd. I’m a bit of a researcher; I can locate information on anyone and anything given a short amount of time and access to a computer and a cell phone. I started out doing just basic background information for some local companies. This has branched out a bit since I started and I occasionally get called in by people who know and trust me to locate problems within companies. Hmm by problems I mean people who are breaking the rules, lied about their experience or are selling information to the competition. This last week I was hunting out moles for a company in Vancouver who shall remain nameless of course. ^^ I do feel a bit bad about head hunting so close to the holidays but I rather enjoy taking down people who are back stabbing the folks who pay them for their loyalty. And yes I was successful; I located three moles within the company who were selling confidential information to other companies and made myself a lovely pile of money to buy my friends and family holiday gifts! Ok and to buy myself some fun anime and manga stuff as well!
Another Child's Play Charity update! This week we have reached the amazing total of $760,000!! Which is absolutely fantastic! And we still have a few weeks to go before its over!
You’re ever so kind to worry about my health! I’m doing really well after my little car accident! I’m down to just the cast on my leg and using crutches to get around. The cast won’t come off for another month or so but I’m doing great even with this evil thing on my leg. I guess after being stuck in the bed for so long just being able to move outside of the house is a fantastic thing!
Ah like a lot of you guys I listen to all kinds of music, though I tend to linger in the alternative, pop, rock, country genres more than anything else. But still I do listen to hip hop, rap and even opera when the mood strikes me. LoL I love world music from Japanese pop to African tribal. Yeah I’m just an eclectic person! But I do love music in all of its many forms. I can’t judge a genre by a single artist so I try not to judge music by anyone who performs it. If I did I’d reduce people to tears every time I sing along with my radio! LoL
Oh and for those of you who might be interested lately I’ve been slowly adding the voice actor profiles and anime word descriptions to the Quiz Results page. I say slowly because this involves updating the html to match any background I chose to put together. As well as adding a few new goodies and images to some of the voice actor profiles. So please if you’re interested check it out. Every day I try to add in a new piece so in a few weeks I’m certain I’ll be up to date!
Random Question: Do you have a Christmas wish?
Richard Ian Cox’s Biography | |
Date of birth: October 3, 1973 in St. Asaph, Wales, UK
Other Names: Richard Cox
Occupation: Voice Actor/Actor
Oddly enough this voice actor first drew my attention not as a voice actor but as a TV actor in which a certain teenage girl obsessed over for years. Mainly because I was a big horse fan and he was starring in the Family Channel’s Adventures of the Black Stallion! He’s also done multiple appearances on Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Outerlimits, and E.R among other shows.
But of course I became even more thrilled as the anime fan in me realized this was the fantastic voice actor portraying Inuyasha on my TV every night of the week on Adult Swim! ^^
Just a short listing of his voice acting career.
- Dragon Drive as Kouhei Toki
- Galaxy Angel as Jonathan; Normad
- Galaxy Angel Z as Jonathan; Normad; Bully; Contestant; Press Conference Reporter; Referee
- Green Legend Ran (OAV) as Rulo
- Hamtaro as Sabu
- Human Crossing as Kazuya; Man at Party C; Yoshio Wakabayashi
- Infinite Ryvius as Gran McDaniel; Impulse XO
- Inu Yasha as Inuyasha; Buyo/Kagome's Cat; Young Inuyasha
- Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time as Inu-Yasha
- Inuyasha the Movie 2: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass as Inuyasha
- InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler as Inuyasha
- Inuyasha the Movie 4: Fire on the Mystic Island as Inuyasha
- MegaMan NT Warrior as NoodleMan
- Monkey Magic as Redchimp; Sansoh
- Mobile Suit Gundam as Kai Shiden
- Mobile Suit Gundam Seed as Tolle Koening; Shani Andras
- Ranma ½ as Ranma Saotome (Boy-Type)
- Transformers: Cybertron as Scattorshot
- Trouble Chocolate as Cacao
- Rockman.EXE Axess as BurnerMan (eps 59, 61); NoodleMan (ep 31)
- Zoids/ZERO as Bit Cloud
- X-Men Evolution as Quicksilver
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