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myOtaku.com: jake jeckal

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

well...still depressed...i might have an idea why...me and my ex have been getting along fine and all...her mom got some degree in psychology and she thought we shouldnt date anyone after our break up...so we could understand everything...blah blah blah...so i broke up with my gf (that wasnt the total reason)...but apparently...my ex never broke up with her boyfriend...i really shouldnt care...but its bothering the FUCK outta me...errrg...i thought they had broke up...but if you check her site...its kinda obvious...not really..i just took the only 2 things out..and figured it out before i asked my mom about it (my mom and her mom are really good friends, they tell eachother everything)...im really pissed..not at her..its more of me being jealous..she would never have put the stuff she wrote about him about me...she put a pic of a guy and a cat girl kissing...she wouldnt have done that...and she put a thing about him being the hottest person she knew.....let me let out my anger for a second...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU DUUUUUUSTEN!!!! (now dusten has never done anything to me..its just an impulsive emotional rant..so if you read this please take no offense...and if my ex reads this...this has no offense either) YOOOOOOOOOOOU STUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIID BIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!!!!!....i know im going to regret this later..but this is the only way i can vent my anger...i cant talk to my friends...i dont have a punching bag...i cant tell my family...im not going to a psychologist....im going to the doctor on tomorrow, so im going to ask him about maybe getting on ZOLOFT...but who knows..whatever...im done for now...again no one take offense on what i have wrote today..im just depressed...clown love to all...and go fuck yourself..im out..
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