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• Jakk401
• 1987-09-18
• Providence, RI
Member Since
• 2005-07-08
• Student
• Valedictorian
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Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha
• To be the best husband to Alexandir
• Sleeping
 | Hello! This is my Myotaku Website! I'm Jakk401, and thank you for visiting. Well if you read my posts, you can probably figure out that I'm kinda weird and I have original thoughts. Well I'm 17 turning 18 and getting married to Alexavier, he's the love of my life. I'm going to college this year and hopefully will pass all of my classes. Uh If there is anything else that you would like to know either PM me or IM me on Aim, Yahoo, or MSN. (Yeah I have all three). Well don't forget to sign the guestbook before you leave Thanks again for visiting Muahz! |
Thursday, August 4, 2005
what is up with that? ^___^??? Is it suppose to be some kind of smily face because it really doesn't look like it to me. It really looks like someone just being emotionless? But when you really look at it it looks like a chinese kid with really chinky eyes smiling. But then why does everyone use it? If so then only chinese people shold be able to use it right? If it looks like them, they should have a copyright on it or something? Or is it just me? I guess that I'm just weird... |
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Yesterday I got into a quarrel with my dad... All my parents want me to do is go to work with them and that's all they care about. But you know when I'm in real shock or trouble they aren't there to help me. Here's the story, my car's wheel fell off while I was on the highway and I called them to help me out. I thought my wheel popped but it just fell off. Well luckily my car fell on top of the wheel so t stayed there because if not i would have hit somebody. Well anyways, my parents come and my dad looks at the wheel, tells me to call AAA and then basically leaves and gives me his cell phone because mine was dying. So why should I care for them if they don't even care for me? Well thanks to my fiancee, Alexavier, I got the courage to tell him and now I don't work for them anymore. Well I got my car fixed butt he engine is still fucked up, so I can't drive it. Well I love Alexavier and if anyone thinks about making a move on him because he is so sexy, I'll kill everyone!!!!!! NOSA! |
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
My Parents are HOME from their vacation.
So today i get up with my fiancee and get him ready to go to work, I felt so bad because he didn't feel good and wanted to call out but he really needs the money so he can't. I felt really BAD. He felt so sick he was all hot and everything was so cold to him, I didn't know what to do. But anyways, later on today, i got home feeling ready to clean up the house so when my parents come home they wouldn't say anything to me about the mess in my house, but to my surprise I see mad vegetables around my house (because my parents own an Asian Grocery Store). Then I look around thinking it was my brother who got them, but he went to work so it couldn't have been him. Well after a little investigating, I found nothing, but then I see luggage and my dad sleeping on the couch, "WOW I'm mad slow!!!" I thought to myself. So every plan I had ever thought for today was ruined. They saw the dirty house which really wasn't that dirty and I didn't want to clean the house anymore, well I cleaned the dishes and put out the trash that's about it.
I wonder what Alexavier is doing at work? Does he feel better? |
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
It's been 8 months and I love it
Today is officially my fiancee and my eight moneth. I couldn't ask for it any other way, but actually I could. He went to work early in the morning, and I played video games. After we went to go get something to eat at our place, and some guy tried to hook me up with some girl, but we both laughed it off. Well we came back to my house and we played some more video games. It might not seem like anything to anyone else, but he's been staying with me for two days now and today will be the third. Well, today was perfect because we spent it together. I really do love him with all my heart and we will be together forever. Thank you Alexavier I love you, and thanks for always being here for me. |
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
My Water was Stolen and I Proved My Cousin is Evil
jakk401: stop stealing my water u water thief!
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: what?
jakk401: haha
jakk401: i know its u!!!!
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i got thirsy...
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: ?
jakk401: damn u
jakk401: i cant believe this
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: what?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: that i stole ur water?
jakk401: yes
jakk401: haha i just turned on the faucet and u stole it
jakk401: u couldnt wait could u
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: haha
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: no i couldnt
jakk401: damn u!
jakk401: water stealer
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: what...ur not gonna quench ur own cousin's thirst?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: ur fave cousin too!
jakk401: well damn i pay for that water!
jakk401: pay for ur own
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: that's too bad then
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i cant
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im broke
jakk401: mee too
jakk401: soo why u gonna steal my water
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: because u had some
jakk401: damn that was the last od it
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: hehe
jakk401: im mad thirsty now
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: me too
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: ur water isnt very satisfying
jakk401: damn u
jakk401: i cant believe this
jakk401: u steal my water and then u hate on it
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: haha
jakk401: DAMN YOU
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: :-D
jakk401: hater
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: hehe
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i try
jakk401: damn u
jakk401: i need water im mad thirsty
jakk401: u have ur moms water why u gottah steal mine
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: cuz im sick of her water
jakk401: well mine isnt as thirst quenching
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: yea, i know that now
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: lol
jakk401: so stop stealing my water@
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i will now since it doesnt do anything!
jakk401: damn u u whore
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im no whore
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im just a water thief
jakk401: why tho
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: because im thirsty
jakk401: but how come u gotta steal mine u have so many other people?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: because
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i knew u were thirsty
jakk401: but WHy?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im evil
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i dont need any other reasons |
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