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myOtaku.com: jakk401

Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Love, Alexavier
Hey as you all know im engaged to this wonderful man Alexavier. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. I hate it to see him him sad or anything and there really isnt much that i can do. I feel so useless but i do whatever it takes to make him happy. I know almost everything about him (I would say everything but I really don't). Well ever since that Novermber day that we first met he said that he knew there was something special in me. I didn't see it then like he did but after a while, even with all of our fighting and getting mad at eachother and breaking up, I knew he was the one.
He was the only thing that could make me happy, and I truly love him. I have to see him everyday or I will get sad. Its funny because we don't get sick of eachother like other couples. Something always comes up even if we are just in his room playing video games, there is something new that comes up. We are just a fun couple!
I would give up everything for him, that's how much I love him. He makes me the happiest person on the earth. Even when we are fighting, its weird I would rather be with him than with anybody else. That's how things work out and I know things will work out, because we work through our problems and talk about things. And I'm not scared to show my true emotions in front of him. I can cry, smile, or even pout in front of him. He's always there for me when I'm sad. I love him with all my heart.
Well that's it for today. See ya soon!

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