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myOtaku.com: jakk401

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My Water was Stolen and I Proved My Cousin is Evil
jakk401: stop stealing my water u water thief!
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: what?
jakk401: haha
jakk401: i know its u!!!!
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i got thirsy...
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: ?
jakk401: damn u
jakk401: i cant believe this
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: what?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: that i stole ur water?
jakk401: yes
jakk401: haha i just turned on the faucet and u stole it
jakk401: u couldnt wait could u
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: haha
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: no i couldnt
jakk401: damn u!
jakk401: water stealer
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: what...ur not gonna quench ur own cousin's thirst?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: ur fave cousin too!
jakk401: well damn i pay for that water!
jakk401: pay for ur own
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: that's too bad then
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i cant
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im broke
jakk401: mee too
jakk401: soo why u gonna steal my water
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: because u had some
jakk401: damn that was the last od it
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: hehe
jakk401: im mad thirsty now
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: me too
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: ur water isnt very satisfying
jakk401: damn u
jakk401: i cant believe this
jakk401: u steal my water and then u hate on it
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: haha
jakk401: DAMN YOU
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: :-D
jakk401: hater
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: hehe
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i try
jakk401: damn u
jakk401: i need water im mad thirsty
jakk401: u have ur moms water why u gottah steal mine
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: cuz im sick of her water
jakk401: well mine isnt as thirst quenching
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: yea, i know that now
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: lol
jakk401: so stop stealing my water@
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i will now since it doesnt do anything!
jakk401: damn u u whore
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im no whore
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im just a water thief
jakk401: why tho
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: because im thirsty
jakk401: but how come u gotta steal mine u have so many other people?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: because
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i knew u were thirsty
jakk401: but WHy?
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: im evil
lxl PoChAcCo lxl: i dont need any other reasons

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