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• JamalXIII
• 1988-09-24
• Bahamas
Member Since
• 2004-01-01
• Student
Real Name
• Take a wild guess...
• I just happen to be the biggest anime/manga fan in my school
Anime Fan Since
• Forever I guess but I really got into it when Adult Swim came on.
Favorite Anime
• Too many to list
• To exist
• Watchin' anime, reading manga, writing,...LAN games, and assorted other crap
• Humor...sometimes...
Alright My vital stats look to the left!! I am a anime/manga/music/car freak. though it's not evident right away. Look around. Stay awhile yo.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
It's been a long time...this is the first time updating my site on MyOtaku for the New Year and in quite a while too. Alot has changed, maybe too much I look back on my previous posts and think "Wow I've really changed"... I guess it's maturity. I can never forget the friends I have made on this site (like Van) though I may never see or speak to them again they've still managed to leave a piece of themselves with me and through experiences we remain connected... Anyway I will try to find my way back to this site more often. That's all for now.
Happy New Year.
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
Had to post SOMETHING!!!
1. What time is it?:11:11AM
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?: Jamal bey what'd you expect Zargon??
3. Nickname(s): Gilly, J, Mally, Jam,
4. Piercing: Naw, not really needed.
5. Tattoo: Maybe...
6. Most recent movie you've seen: Memoirs of a Giesha bey!!!!
7. Place of birth: Georgetown, Guyana
8. favorite food: Chinese^_^ Gotta have that stuff
9. Ever been to Africa?: For what??
10. Ever been toilet papering:*sniff*
11. Loved someone so much that it made you cry?: No can't think of noone
12. Been in a accident?: Yeah...Thanks alot sis...I really needed to slam into another car at 45mph...oh yeah thrilling...
13. Croutons or baon bits?: Wtf??
14. Favorite day of the week??: The day I get paid...and since i'm not working right now all the days of the week automatically suck.
15. Favorite resturant: Anyplace that serves good food I don't care.
16. Favorite sport to watch?: Futbol!!!!!(Soccer for you Americans)
17. Favorite drink: The almighty Coca-Cola MABWOY!!!!
18. Favorite ice cream: The eatable kind
19. Disney or Warner: Disney bey!! Does Warner Bros. have a theme park?? More than one at that?? NO!!!!
20. Favorite fast food resturant: Bey McDonalds on ya grammy.
21. What color is your bedroom carpet??: Brown what else would you expect it to be??
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test?: None cause I haven't taken it as yet? :P
23. From who did you get your last e-mail?: Dem Hi5 ppl tellin' me someone wan add me...again.
24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card??: Well if I HAD a credit card it would have to be K-Mart!! They rule the world jed.
25. What do you do most when you are bored?: Fill out this friggin' questionnaire
26. Bedtime: Usually between 12AM and 3AM.
27. Favorite TV show(s): Anything on Adult Swim bey that's about it.
28. Last person you went to dinner with: My cousin bbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
29. Ford or Chevy?: Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-Spec model!! Ford and Chevy suck.
30. What are you listening to now?: Dave Chapelle - Killin' Em Softly the CD album.
31. What is your favorite color?: Black, Blue, Green and White.
32. Lake, Ocean or River: Ocean (duh)
33. How many Tattoos do you have?: How many what do I have?? Computers?
34. R&B or Rap: Rap
35. Cat or Dog?: It doesn't matter
36 What time did you finish this questionnaire?: 11:25AM
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Oh yeah!

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Sunday, December 4, 2005
It's been too long since I've last been on MyOtaku and posted sorry so sorry but I have been very busy at schooolwork. Agriculture isn't an easy subject yo. But I will try and make posting more of a habit for the faithful few who actually still visit.*cough*Yotama.
Love and Peace^_^
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
It's not a bad song
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