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myOtaku.com: JamalXIII

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

  Crazy Conversations with Bondage Girl

Session Start: Saturday, February 07, 2004
[08:27:22 AM] Dis is dedic: Wazzup??
[08:27:30 AM] I am under t: Hey, long time no see
[08:27:43 AM] Dis is dedic: Yeah
[08:28:04 AM] I am under t: r u going to show up at the QC steakout
[08:28:43 AM] Dis is dedic: later
[08:28:51 AM] Dis is dedic: give me 10 mins
[08:29:05 AM] I am under t: I may not show up till 1 or so
[08:29:12 AM] I am under t: depends when my ride gets here
[08:29:17 AM] I am under t: ...if my ride gets here
[08:29:30 AM] Dis is dedic: brb in 10 mins
[08:29:33 AM] I am under t: kk
[08:29:44 AM] I am under t: I'll just
[08:29:50 AM] I am under t: keep talking to myself
[08:29:54 AM] Dis is dedic: m'kay
[08:29:55 AM] I am under t: no one else here to talk to

Session Start: Sunday, February 08, 2004
[07:52:13 PM] Free me from: Hello
[07:52:20 PM] *cough*: Sup??
[07:52:26 PM] * *cough* is now Busy
[07:52:37 PM] Free me from: who is that person u gave my address to
[07:52:43 PM] Free me from: I tried taking 'em but they just left
[07:52:49 PM] *cough*: My best friend
[07:52:51 PM] Free me from: *talking to
[07:53:03 PM] Free me from: hmm, well he's not much for conversation
[07:53:12 PM] *cough*: Yeah his father just died so...
[07:53:29 PM] Free me from: oh well there isn't much I can say in that
[07:53:37 PM] *cough*: yeah\
[07:53:54 PM] * Free me from these chains of animosity and you'll
forever have my heart has changed his/her name to Free
me from these chains of animosity and I'll be yours
[07:54:13 PM] * *cough* has changed his/her name to Is the cat
scratching his nose or flipping us off??...
[07:54:13 PM] Free me from: half the people online on my side is set
to away
[07:54:21 PM] Free me from: why the bloody hell to they bother signing
[07:54:40 PM] Is the cat s: So that they can talk to one person
[07:54:54 PM] Free me from: ...true
[07:55:06 PM] Free me from: love the cat picture
[07:55:26 PM] Is the cat s: Thanx do U want it?? Or was that
[07:55:28 PM] Free me from: speaking of yur friend...
[07:55:36 PM] Free me from: I like it, but no I don't want it
[07:55:40 PM] Is the cat s: ok
[07:55:42 PM] Free me from: I wouldn't use that
[07:55:44 PM] Free me from: lol
[07:55:51 PM] Is the cat s: hehehehe
[07:56:19 PM] Free me from: they really should develop a way so a
person knows when the other is being sarcastic
[07:56:36 PM] Is the cat s: Yes I believe they have it^o)
[07:56:51 PM] Free me from: ...yea but I like to use him for other
things then sarcasm
[07:57:04 PM] Free me from: it's my 'What the hell?!?!?!' sign
[07:57:09 PM] * Is the cat scratching his nose or flipping us off??...
has changed his/her name to Leap dog!!
[07:57:11 PM] Free me from: more so then sarcasm
[07:57:17 PM] Leap dog!!: So I noticed
[07:57:28 PM] Free me from: nicer then saying WTF
[07:57:37 PM] Leap dog!!: Yeah I guess
[07:57:59 PM] Free me from: like my picture? I stole it off of some
[07:58:12 PM] Leap dog!!: Nice..
[07:58:32 PM] Leap dog!!: Shows off Ur bondage side nicely
[07:58:44 PM] Free me from: my bondage side? ^o)
[07:58:49 PM] Free me from: There is NO bondage side
[07:58:57 PM] Leap dog!!: R U sure??
[07:59:01 PM] Free me from: all because of the 'whips and chains'
screen name
[07:59:06 PM] Free me from: ever since that life has been hell
[07:59:11 PM] Free me from: I'M SURE!
[07:59:16 PM] Leap dog!!: lol
[07:59:23 PM] Free me from: I haven't had a guy
[07:59:28 PM] Free me from: so I don't have anything like that
[07:59:31 PM] Free me from: not that I would
[07:59:48 PM] Leap dog!!: Righhhhhhhhhttttttttttt^o)
[07:59:59 PM] Free me from: leather and chains are cool though
[08:00:04 PM] Free me from: ...just not in THAT way
[08:00:17 PM] Leap dog!!: No comment:|...
[08:00:26 PM] Free me from: ^_^
[08:00:48 PM] Free me from: Even if I were to get a guy I don't think
I'd be some kind of dominant person
[08:00:55 PM] Free me from: that wouldn't fit me in relationships
[08:01:00 PM] Free me from: ...at least i don't think so
[08:01:08 PM] Leap dog!!: *cough*Denial*cough*
[08:01:11 PM] Free me from: ... why the hell am I telling u this
[08:01:14 PM] Free me from: :@
[08:01:27 PM] Free me from: I am not in denial
[08:01:37 PM] Free me from: I'm denial free
[08:01:55 PM] Leap dog!!: Bcause we R cool wit each other's
[08:02:06 PM] Free me from: ...I guess
[08:02:19 PM] Free me from: I mean if I can stand your affair with
that Las Vegas Showgirl
[08:02:20 PM] Leap dog!!: Quote(wierdness)
[08:02:28 PM] Free me from: u can stand to hear my issues
[08:02:37 PM] Leap dog!!: I was not a affair
[08:02:42 PM] Leap dog!!:
[08:02:45 PM] Free me from: oooo, so there was something
[08:02:48 PM] Free me from: but it wasn't an affair
[08:02:54 PM] Free me from: I got ya
[08:02:55 PM] Leap dog!!: It was nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08:03:00 PM] Free me from: let it all out
[08:03:05 PM] Free me from: the truth will set u free
[08:03:39 PM] Leap dog!!: U want the truth???
[08:03:51 PM] Free me from: yup ^_^
[08:03:57 PM] Free me from: and I swear if u say that line...
[08:04:09 PM] Leap dog!!: NOTHING HAPPENED!!!!
[08:04:20 PM] Free me from: ...riiiiiight
[08:04:23 PM] Free me from: ^o)
[08:04:27 PM] Free me from: Now that is sarcasm
[08:04:35 PM] Free me from: ooo, check out this comic link
[08:04:37 PM] Free me from:
[08:04:43 PM] Free me from: it's hillarious
[08:04:59 PM] Leap dog!!: Manga??
[08:05:11 PM] Free me from: nope
[08:05:13 PM] Free me from: just comic
[08:05:25 PM] Leap dog!!: it's wierd
[08:05:32 PM] Free me from: but funny
[08:05:40 PM] Leap dog!!: yeah...
[08:06:07 PM] Leap dog!!: hahahahaahaha
[08:06:46 PM] Leap dog!!: lol
[08:06:55 PM] Leap dog!!: Yes look at the first !
[08:06:58 PM] Leap dog!!: 1
[08:07:12 PM] Free me from: yea
[08:07:37 PM] * Leap dog!! has changed his/her name to No I'm not
[08:07:51 PM] No I'm not: what's wrong??
[08:08:03 PM] Free me from: nothing, I'm just browsing through 'em
[08:08:20 PM] Free me from: it get's funnier when they introduce the
[08:08:29 PM] No I'm not: ok had me worried fer a min
[08:08:43 PM] Free me from: lol, thought I actually became sober?
[08:09:00 PM] No I'm not: Yes for a min...
[08:09:13 PM] Free me from: No no no
[08:09:23 PM] Free me from: my little friend, i will never be sober
[08:09:30 PM] Free me from: no unless u forced me in a straight
[08:09:47 PM] Free me from: ... u know, I'd actually like to through
myself at the walls in the little padded room
[08:09:50 PM] Free me from: that sounds fun
[08:09:52 PM] No I'm not: That's Ur thing...
[08:09:56 PM] No I'm not: aye??
[08:10:01 PM] Free me from: u can bounce around and everything
[08:10:02 PM] No I'm not: Bondage...
[08:10:07 PM] Free me from: hey hey hey
[08:10:13 PM] Free me from: I'm not the bondage girl
[08:10:21 PM] No I'm not: oh Tabby!!!:|
[08:10:39 PM] Free me from: what's that supposed to mean
[08:10:43 PM] No I'm not: (?)
[08:10:44 PM] Free me from: I'm not into bondage
[08:10:52 PM] No I'm not: I'm surpriszed...
[08:11:14 PM] No I'm not: BOndage girl
[08:11:32 PM] Free me from: I am not into bondage damn it!!!
[08:11:39 PM] No I'm not: Or its not that kind of party??
[08:11:44 PM] No I'm not: OH!!!
[08:12:10 PM] Free me from: I'll prove to you all
[08:12:16 PM] Free me from: I'm not into bondage
[08:12:20 PM] Free me from: I'm not a stripper
[08:12:27 PM] Free me from: nor a prostitute
[08:12:28 PM] No I'm not: I didn't say that??
[08:12:35 PM] Free me from: ...well others did
[08:13:05 PM] No I'm not: WELL I never!!!!
[08:13:29 PM] No I'm not: Give me their names and addresses they'll be
dead by dawn!!!!
[08:13:36 PM] Free me from: Ryan
[08:13:38 PM] Free me from: Jamero
[08:13:39 PM] Free me from: Ashman
[08:13:44 PM] Free me from: just to name a few
[08:13:54 PM] Free me from: your friend is back
[08:14:03 PM] No I'm not: Yeah I noticed
[08:14:14 PM] No I'm not: Oy Tabby Cat??
[08:14:17 PM] Free me from: ?
[08:14:26 PM] No I'm not: We'll have to talk later....
[08:14:44 PM] No I'm not: My mother wants to check her mail
[08:14:44 PM] Free me from: ...you're leaving
[08:14:47 PM] Free me from: NOOOOO
[08:14:49 PM] Free me from: Don't leave me
[08:14:50 PM] Free me from: :'(
[08:15:02 PM] Free me from: I'm all alone in this vast world of the
[08:15:17 PM] No I'm not: Yes I'll miss you too...*Looks at her
[08:15:24 PM] Free me from: *hiss*
[08:15:40 PM] Free me from: Ok... so it's back to talking to myself
[08:15:49 PM] No I'm not: *And wonders to himself this can't be the
same person who wanted to kill me*
[08:15:58 PM] Free me from: bite me
[08:16:03 PM] Free me from: u son of a bitch
[08:16:04 PM] Free me from: happy?
[08:16:10 PM] Free me from: does that make u feel better?
[08:16:12 PM] No I'm not: Yes actally
[08:16:13 PM] Free me from: Is that what you want?
[08:16:20 PM] Free me from: Is that how I'm supposed to act?
[08:16:28 PM] Free me from: Can I not be a cynical bitch for one
[08:16:32 PM] No I'm not: No no no no...
[08:16:37 PM] Free me from: Is this what it has come down to?
[08:16:45 PM] No I'm not: U've got it all wrong...
[08:16:50 PM] Free me from: WELL SCREW YOU
[08:17:13 PM] No I'm not: yes I love U 2 Tabby
[08:17:24 PM] Free me from: hmph
[08:17:27 PM] No I'm not: Later
[08:17:30 PM] Free me from: later
[08:17:40 PM] No I'm not: bye Tabby Cat

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