Lollie (02/12/04)
Awesome site! Love your ArtWork! ^_^ Laters
over13 (02/11/04)
cool youre from australia, have you ever heard of a band called backy skank. I think there from melbourne, anyway could you sign my guestbook, thanks alot if you can
Demon Fairy Sin (02/11/04)
SailorGemini90 (02/10/04)
Hey nice site. Can you please help me start my site. I'm new and don't know how? And help me find a picture and song on Sailor Jupiter? Bye
Thanks again and NICE SITE!
HeartOfSword (02/09/04)
Weeee, you gots cool stuff here! I'm addin' you as a friend...drop by sometime...
pigy (02/07/04)
Um can you um maby tell some um people about my um sight page maby I know its pritty pathetic that Im asking you this but it just shows how desprite I am. :(
SS3Gotenks (02/07/04)
For being so popular you dont have much on your site. No rudeness intended.
Radaghast (02/07/04)
Don't worry, I'm not asking you to do anything with and/or concerning my site.
But I must say, I visit here every time I get on the the OB just to see how things are going. You have the best myOtaku I have ever seen, and it actually gives a little in-sight on what your' life is like. I must say, some have been very sobering.
The Guardian (02/06/04)
hey nice ste just stopped in to sign your gb hope you'll sign mine
lucas (02/06/04)
hey dude can you sign my guest book