Monday, April 18, 2005
I don't care, as long as you're mine. | Things have been interesting lately. Justin and I have agreed to pursue freelance web design together and I expect that to have fruitful results. We will produce our work under the Velegant Design label, but both of us will have our own unique online portfolios. Should be fun.
My portfolio site has been in the workshop for a while now, but it may need a major revision. The name I wanted isn't available, so a name change may also mean a philosophical change. I am thinking of creating an umbrella site with multiple subdomains for different things. We'll see how that goes.
The above image contains a sample of what I have been developing. I really have no idea where I will go from there, but we'll see.
Anyway, I was talking to Alan earlier about blogs and such. He told me that I do not update often enough. And I told him that I really don't have much that I want to say. So I asked him what I should discuss. He told me that I should discuss gender roles, since the two of us often talk about that type of thing.
I guess I don't know what to say that I haven't said before. I will say one thing though; Alan should be applauded for including a crossdressing section on his photoblog. Apart from the actual artistic merit of such a thing, I do feel that "people being themselves" is always a good thing. And in particular, it makes me happy to know that he feels he can do that without any problems.
It's interesting, because I have personally never had any desire to wear women's clothing or anything - I like wearing male clothing and in particular, I like exploiting my maleness...if that makes sense. Perhaps that's not the right way to put it.
It's like a woman who buys expensive lengerie because she wants to celebrate her femininity. I guess I am the same way but in reverse.
But having said that, I also think that I am of a generation where gender lines are blurred significantly. This is why I really get a kick out of Marilyn Manson's visual art - particularly with the Omega era.
I think there is a certain strength about people who can express themselves in that way. Why would you be worried about having feminine qualities, afterall? Because women are "weaker" than men? If you really follow that to its conclusion, you realize that the men who are highly offended by such things are the same men who a) aren't very confident in their masculinity and b) do not have a particularly equal view of women.
I grew up around very strong women, and I have always known women who have been very accomplished and intelligent people. So I've never grown up in a world where women played a certain role. I'm sure this partly impacts my view of females in general - I do not view women as some kind of herd, where certain hard-and-fast rules apply. I've simply always been in a situation where women were absolutely equal and there was no question about it.
So all of this probably ties into my views on all manner of subjects, from sexuality to gender roles and so on. Perhaps this is why I don't think transvestites or transsexuals are "disgusting". I have never been in a situation where I've had the same thoughts as either group, however, I tend to try to empathise.
Afterall, if men and women are truly equal, androgyny shouldn't be considered a bad thing at all.
Oh, I just remembered...did anyone hear that Oddworld Inhabitants is getting out of the game business and moving into CG animation exclusively?
I have a gift for Mr. Lanning:
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