Thursday, August 25, 2005
Roam | What a busy week! Apart from taking on some extra paid work recently, I've had a lot of random nights of going out. It's sometimes a bit much to go out late in the evening after work, when I'm feeling exhausted, but it's generally been pretty good. I saw Sin City last night, which was enjoyable. Movies of that nature (film noir) tend to give me a very specific feeling, which I was talking to Alan about earlier on. It's hard to describe. It's a kind of cozy nostalgic feeling, I suppose.
Anyway, the movie was good, with strong visuals...but it didn't blow me away. The action was mostly pretty average (save for a few particularly strong moments) and the story/dialogue was reasonable. I suppose those aspects were "good", but nothing terribly amazing. I'm eager to see it a second time though, if only because the whole atmosphere is very engrossing - the various visual effects and camera shots were often quite surprising and effective. It was worth seeing for that aspect alone, I think.
SugarCone: Ahh, gotta love those types of gifts - mess up/apology gifts. ~_^
John: See Baron's comment.
Shin: Excellent!
Sammy: I love Luigi. I'm glad that he has more of his own identity these days, rather than just being a green Mario.
When I was having coffee with Mr. Martinet, he randomly yelled out in Luigi's voice "Waaaahhh!!" It was so surprising that I nearly fell off my chair. I think my face was literally like this: o_O
ShadowFaint: I do and I shall never give it up! I wonder if it will be worth anything in the distant future.
Sara: *blushes* ~_^
Baronness: Ah yes, the Mario avatar. If you look at my current signature on OB, you'll see a little Mario tribute of sorts. I was thinking about doing different versions of that now and then. Little animations are good fun to make/watch.
Sesshomarufan: Will do!
Baronness Again: Yes, I recommend that everyone visit the link! The TV commercials on there are great. I wish Nintendo Australia would use some of those.
Happy! Mario 20th
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