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myOtaku.com: jared

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 11/29/04:
cool, thats all i have to say on that matter

Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Empathy
In a survival situation, you:Play dead
Your hidden talent is:Seeing the best in others
Your gift is:Artistic talent
In groups, you:Act as host/ess
Your best quality is:Your inclusiveness
Your weakness is:Being unforgiving
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 11/22/04:
cool, although some parts of it are a bit incorrect...sorry

Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking andproductive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very Stubborn and money cautious.

Result Posted on 11/16/04:

Your Suicide.. by Konstantine
Your Name/Username
Favorite Number?
Favorite Color?
How will you commit suicide?You will jump off of the nearest, highest building
How many tries will it take?93
When will you commit suicide?August 10, 2033
What will your suicide note say?The voices in my head told me that this was the only way
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 11/16/04:

What do people really think about you? by Raven319
favorite song
Parents thinkYou work too hard
Strangers thinkYou're hot
Friends thinkYou talk too much
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 11/16/04:
nice, im not one for slicing and dicing, just blocking and evading

Your weapon is a Bo!
Bo! The chinese Wood Stick! The Bo looks not very
dangerous but ask the Shaolin monks, they would
be able to kill you in less than two hits. And
it's the best protection weapon ever, because
there is no blade and you can choose how much
you want to hurt your opponent.

What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 11/10/04:
excellent, average green. although i would have preferred red (<-- my fav colour)

Result Posted on 11/10/04:
nice, snake is cool. although ocelot is my fav character for somereason

Result Posted on 11/08/04:
sounds about right, no way would i suffocate or anything like that, other than that...no comment

Take the quiz: "Method of Suicide"

You have come to terms with your demons and wish to see yourself bleed. Your method of suicide is Mutilation.

Result Posted on 11/08/04:
nice, reeeeal nice. it says that im a virtous person, but thats just how im feeling now, try and catch me in a bad mood...then we'll see my answers

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

Result Posted on 11/08/04:
nice, i guess that matches me in a few ways, not all though :D

White Dragon
You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would
help humans if they desprately need you. YOu
are kind and wise with a heart of gold.

Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla

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