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Near Los Angeles
Member Since
Production Assistant @ Mandaly Productions
Real Name
Jared Head
Received my certification to be a cameraman at age 13; Ran a 5:23 mile; Written several "books" but haven't had them published yet; I'll find more
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
What else? Digimon. That's it.
Find the true adrenaline rush; Climb Mt. Everest; Do the Tour de France and finish it; Drive a car over 200mph (came close, but not yet); Get that segment idea for CNN approved by them and begin to host it; Win an Oscar
Filmmaking (as I want to be a filmmaker), Writing, Road Cycling, Acting, Cars, Ballistics
Writing well. Acting well. Directing well. Being a fast road cyclist. I'm a master at driving a car. I can make fart noises with my hands!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
So here's my story
Can't check the progress of my story on as it is having server problems and I can't log in. Last time I checked I had 468 hits with 27 reviews. Not bad for a story with 7 chapters. Check my story out by the way, you can click that little quote thingy at the top of my page and it'll take you right to it.
I don't know if people will like it. Well, people do like it, they review sayign that, but I'm not sure how most people react to it.
My story is very surprising to most people who read it. Many readers start my story expecting another fan fic with original digi-destined and wonderful stereotypes like that.
They end up reading a story about one person hand picked to help prevent a second occurance of massive genocide. It's not a pretty story either, I make sure to let you know how graphic evil can be, but good can be just as graphic if not worse.
Good and Evil can never win. If one prevails, balance is thrown off, and we will be thrown into turmoil. You can't have Evil depends on the existance of Good, but Good depends also on the existance of Evil.
Plus, how many Digimon fan fic stories do you know have a central theme that involves Genocide?
Yeah, not many...if any.
I plan to go on in the next few chapters actually advocating genocide in certain situations. Which I do not do so in real life unless it is the last resort and all other techniques have been exhausted.
People tend to take edgy ideas from fictional characters better, so this could be an outlet for my idea of this, but I dare not try and impose my idiologies on my readers.
Genocide is the correct thing to do in certain situations. I may sound like some kind of twisted individual, but who am I to argue with opinion?
I will argue that genocide can be acceptable. My case in point: Bird Flu.
They killed a hell of a lot of birds.
Speaking of birds, I ran over one today, it sucked. I feel pretty guilty about it.
It flew out of nowhere from the passenger side of my car. I tried to swerve to avoid it, but my tires got to it before I could get out of the way. So I ran over a bird in my new car.
As I said before, I feel really guilty about it.
No, I wasn't trying to start a massive bird genocide.
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