Please, lend me your ears and pay attention, it is time to repent! Know that the seas will weep and the children of the water will sink to the bottom, fore this is the final hour! Or well, maybe not exactly the FINAL hour but still, itīs probably gonna be a long time before i can return to you all. My access to the net will be taken out of my hands for quite a while, the time when i could come here everyday, will now come to an end. Do not feel sorrow, my friends, fore i will be BACK, more powerful than ever, and you shall rejoice (or so i hope ^^;).
But before i go, i just want to say a last thank you to some of my regulars:
HCF, my nigga!
Daff-Power, my brother!
Blue-Eyes, my sister!
Dark Necrofear, my dark angel!
SammyJoe, my sweet angel!
Pinsandneedles, my insanity (in a good way)!
Elske29, my lovely!