Hi. Uhm... i´ve said some really dumb things to a certain person, which i´d like to apoligize a thousand times to! I´m writing this right after having spoken with the person, and my heart still skips beats... To "you-know-who-you-are": Uhm, i´m really sorry for the akward situation i´ve put you in, i know that you already wre in that situation and now... i´ve made it even worse... I´ve done this before, talked to damned much, told her what i felt, and she rejected me and would never see me again... Now i´ve done it again, and could just beat myself up! Cause i don´t want us to never talk again, i really love... our conversations, even if they haven´t been many! I prey to whatever is out there, that the person will read this and understand me. It´s not easy to say what my heart says here, i can´t type in feelings... Anyway, i´m so sorry.