If i left her there to herself, i might have been happy again...
Another left before me, stomping me to the ground...
Yet another wanted me to leave, but as i was moving on, she shot me in the back...
Counting my steps back again, i encountered the last on the way, and made up my mind... leaving was never my thing.
Meh, don´t ask... i dunno why i write such things either, hehe... anyway, i´m stopping the Awards, cause i´m out of good ideas! Okay, of course i´m not, but i´m just too damned lazy to make one... ^^;
[Going around circles never made the man older, never to gain the experience, all because of the female...] Huh? Shut up Levia, you make less sense than i do... [i´m merely trying to make you understand your situation... vita est qouque brevis pro diligo!] *strangles Levia in a net of darkness* Shut your trap eel! Love is great! Love makes you... makes you... *grasshopper sound* [Sad...?] I SAID SHUT IT! Grumble grumble... *Goes over to the dark corner* [*Sigh* See? That´s what i mean, you´re sad!]
*30 min. later* HAH! [*Jumps in fear* What the f...?! What now?] Looky! See these numbers?! [Yeah...] This is the price for calling and sending sms´s to other countries! [Ok... and...?] Hm? Oh yeah, uhm... well, this is kinda private... [Okay, whatever...] But you wanna know, right?! [Actually no, i don´t really care.] Hmpf, okay then... [This post has grown pretty long already...] Yeah, i´m in the mood for randomation. [Is that a word...?] Probably not. [A´ight.] Hey, that´s my word! [So?] RANDOMNESS! [Exactly. That´s why the bucket always drank against the rhyno in the tree tops... what the... o_O;] Yay, you are getting it! The RANDOMATION VIRUS! Yay yay...
*20 minutes later* In my mind you´ll always find, pictures of you and me, baby... humm hum, lalalalaaa...
*86,41 minutes later* *Chews on a weak YGO card* Okay, you was right, it does taste like oily fish... [Told ya... now pay up!] Grumble grumble...
*59 minutes later* I didn´t get the job... [What...?] Do you ever listen to me? I applied for a job at a amusement park! But they didn´t need me... [That´s okay, crybaby, you´ll probably find a job... like... oh hell, who am i kiddin? You´ll never get a job! You´re worthless! Not even the ants would want to pee on you! Yeah, that´s right, go cry in your corner, you big crybaby!] *Gets uzi´s in dark corner and chases Levia around the room*
*42 minutes later* Rockets!
*2 seconds later* Explosions!
*3 seconds later* FIRE! AAARRGH!
*37 minutes later* [Do you even have ONE important thing to talk about?] Uhhh... not sure... is "i have a snake in my boot (thanks Woody) important? [No, not exactly...] Oh, okay then...
*59 minutes later* *Lame joke warning!* [ZzZzZz...] I have a carnivorious teddybear, his name is Oswald. Say hello to Levia, Oswald. *Teddy bites around the head of Levia* [ZzZz... huh? Hey, how did it get so dark..?]
*73 minutes later* [This post is starting to reach the lenghts of Sitas posts...] Oh yay, Sita! *Dreaming look* [Oh crap, okay that was my fault... i´m getting Baltazar and the sticks...]
*28 minutes later* Wine gums! Yoshi Valley! Frogs! YAY! *Gets shot by a randomation-hunter, stuffed and put up as a sculpture in the experimenttion museum* THE END! ^^