*Random swearing* Damn this crap... okay, some of you might have read it on their sites, but for you who havenīt: Daff (Johnny) arenīt allowed to visit Blue eyes (Alandra) after all, because her mother found out about it all... about them being in love with each other, about his age and it all... damn that shit. And they were so much looking forward to it... LORT (from danish to english: crap (Elske knows this, haha))! Oh well, they still have a chance, we just need patience (yes, WE! I feel just as frustrated as they do)... Well, besides that, iīm getting a fucking cold! Iīm dizzy, headache and my nose is a miniature of the Niagra Falls. Mah, just need some good rest... Love you Sita *hugs*! Later! ^^