Oh my god... i think i need to lay down the rest of the day... shouldn't have gone to Odense today. Had a barbeque party last night and usually i don't get headaches after such things, but i think it must be the sun, feels like it's frying my brain. Heh, frying penguins... sorry, bad joke from yesterday... i deleted yesterdays stupid post, to ensure that some people (the ones who haven't read it, sorry Sita and Hoice) still will have a tiny bit of respect for me... damn... sorry i wasn't on last night Sita, had to sleep before going to Odense, please don't smack me up, heh... i'm gonna need a trunk of CC to get me past this, urgh... Anyway, hope ya'll alive and kicking, i'm not. Later! -_-ZzZz
The Days Quote:
'And that day will two monsters be parted, one monster, a female named Leviathan in order to dwell in the abyss of the ocean over the fountains of water; and (the other), a male called Behemoth, which holds his chest in an invisible desert whose name is Dundayin, east of the garden of Eden.' - 1 Enoch 60:7-8 |