Suppose I said
I am on my best behavior
And there are times
I lose my worried mind?
Would you want me when I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?
Suppose I said
Colors change for no good reason
And words will go
From poetry to prose
Would you want me when
I'm not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?
And I, in time, will come around
I always do for you
Suppose I said
You're my saving grace?
John Mayer - Not Myself
Mhjello minna!
Man, my life really is a rollercoaster... guess any teenagers life is and it's been like this before, but not this extreme... Well, the thing is...
About a week ago i was really down from missing my girlfriend and all you guys... then i come home and i feel happy again... then... something happens with my dad and i get so fucked up i manage to get Sita angry at me... that was hell right into my face. But then i get the idea of using Johnny's (Ra bless you man) phone and call her, i'm not able to on my own phone, so... anyway, so i call her and i swear, i've never heard a voice that sweet and beautiful in my whole life. Well, the start is kinda weird, but i guess it's not that weird and it was great anyhow. It went something like:
Sita: Hello?
Me: Hello. Hey. Hahaha...
Sita: Hahaha...
Me: Heh, so... well, this isn't weird at all, haha...
*a lot of nervous laughing from both sides*
Haha, still laugh when i think about it. But really, it saved my day... no, my month... year! I was so far away the whole day, i couldn't concentrate on anything, Johnny trambled me in YGO (i'm gonna have my revenge *shakes fist at Johnny* haha), i tripped over various things and had trouble falling asleep... and yes, that is a good thing, heh. Anyway, today i called her again, on my own phone cause i used all my money on a card that gives me three hours with her. Heh, that conversation wasn't much different although we started out with actual words, but it was great. I was going to buy another card today, but unfortunately i wont have any cash before in about three to four days... at least i've still got half an hour left on the card, it's better than nothing. Anyway, i guess i've talked to much about it already, Sita is gonna kill me haha, nahh just kiddin, she wouldn't do that... *looks over his shoulder a few times* ^^;
Now, do i have anything else to talk about...? Don't think so... okay, here's a quiz then... nahh, don't worry, i'm not gonna throw quizzes after you anymore (yet), think i'll start on surveys since they seem to be the big thing right now, haha.
Well, talk to ya all later. Love ya'll! ^^