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myOtaku.com: Jay

Friday, December 5, 2003

   A day in the life of me!
*Falls over*

HELLO! and welcome to my little Otaku Life journal thingy! Well, its my first post so I'd better introduce myself a little better than the intro *points up* at the top, so here goes... *deep breath*

I'm Jay, i'm a fifteen [Nearly 16] year old lad living in the quaint lil island of the UK, yes its amazingly sunny here you ougta visit one day, sun for miles and mile... *coughs* yea...

Well, where i'd rather life is China or Japan, and as you've either guess or got scared by, i have an obsession with all things Japanese, chinese and Asian. yes I'm wierd I should have warned! So don't let me waffle on about it too much just shout or summit!

as it says in my achievements i'm *big grin* a 2nd Kyu Brown belt in Wado-ryu, and very proud of it so watch out I'm *SUPER HIGH SPIN KICK LAND POSE WINK* Lethal! *lughs* Nah not *too* lethal.

what else, *OMG there's more?* I love the Pun-rock band Judy and Mary and their lead singer YUKI *drools* and guess wot? *Do it!* I've got my own lil shrine to them its at http://musicfighter.cjb.net *hint hint* its not finished, but a gud place to start if you wanna know more!

As for art I LOVE ANIME!!! And especially that of my talented lil mate Kalai, whos Jaw dropping wow! When she draws, and if she doesn't become some fantastic anime/manga artist when she's older i'll eat my hat *That sounded to British* And as for me, I love anime and i'll have a go at any style, if someone requests summit, i'm probably better at doing it realisticly tho, because its more my forte than anime ^__<

So, there's a lil from me *a little?* I'd tell you about my day, but nothing much has happened apart from teachers talking about my mock exams next week... *groans*

More later

--Jay *over n out!*

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