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myOtaku.com: jaydeenvy

Monday, January 31, 2005

boys...and long weekends
Well my weekend was really long, it seemed to drag on forever. Jason's birthday went ok, though Paul had to work till 9 and then we only hung out a little while before Jason went to bed. He really liked the gifts we got him though, which made me happy. I gave him his second gift (a movie i thought he would like)and Paul gave him a shirt. I ended up making dinner for him and Paul (spagetti) and eating the noodles.

I'm on a bit of a health food kick right now so my fridge is full of bagels and yogurt and salad...I am trying to eat healthier. I'm also trying to transition more into organic foods, as well as cutting back on my meat intake. Its hard with living with Jason though, who asks me to cook beef for him when i'm trying to make vegetarian food to eat. I had a great dinner tonight, Meredith and Alyssia and I made a bunch of food and had a Munchkin party. It was loads of fun. I fried tofu and tossed it with an yummy organic salad and we had vegetarian organic stew and loads of other yummy foods. It was great. Munchkin was a bit more subdued, mostly because Patrick was tired. It was fun though. Just everyone was tired. And Alyssia is upset because Craig is still sick. He ended up going to the hospital and he is still in alot of pain, but they won't let him take any pain meds and they don't know whats wrong. I feel really bad because she hasn't slept in like 36 hours and she doesn't want to sleep until she hears from him and she has to work 2 shifts at work tomorrow. *sigh*

Ok, well other than that, my love life is semi-complicated. I kind of think i kind of like this boy. But i don't really know him. And the other boy who i liked before but didn't think liked me was being really...flirty?? I don't know. But Paul says he thinks he liked me. And then a friend (who is like my brother) asked me out. and i don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt his feelings but i don't think it would work. We are both way too spineless? Like neither one of us would ever make decisions. It would be a mess. Plus...he doesn't like anime. And its just way too weird. He is one person I never would have expected this from. And i don't know what to do...

But i must say, i have gone a long time without having ANY guys interested so i just find it weird that all of a sudden i have prospects. Or something. Because i think i have a chance with all of them (maybe?) but i don't know what to do.

Ugh. I hate life.

Ciao :(

P.S. I made my first AMV this weekend. I was very excited :)
But no further work on the fanfic... :(

Oh and I accicentally deleted one of my posts :( sorry i click-ied the wrong thingie

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