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myOtaku.com: jaydeenvy

Monday, May 9, 2005

Samurai X & Gaming
Yay for being able to post a couple times without bringing some sort of emotional/relationship stuff into it.

Not that its a bad thing, but I like to think my life isn't consumed by such things. :)

I have good friends. And Patrick is really working out as a roommate. We often end up staying awake later than we should..but its cool. We hang out with mutual friends and we talk over things..and I find i can talk to him more about things i can't talk to others about. He sees a little more than most people.. though sometimes he sees things that aren't actually there (more of a hypersensitivity thing..) But its nice to have someone to talk to who listens, understands the situation, and is supportive i guess. I do wonder sometimes though...why he supports me. I haven't known him as long as other people have..and yet I see him as a friend.

Lys would disagree...but I often see where they rub each other wrong. And usually its not one persons fault...they both do something and it ends up just exploding between them. Most of the time I don't even know whats going on..and end up rather confused. And then i hear their sides of the story, empathize with both of them and wait for things to smooth out between them.

I hate being a mediator sometimes. I am rather easily intimidated. Yet there is a person who can't intimidate me. Usually I'm rather intimidated by people, especially males. I don't really know why and even though I sometimes argue, I'm still intimidated. So finding a boy who doesn't do that..wow. Strange, I guess. I feel like i can talk to him about (almost) anything. Some things I can't even say to him. I want to get to know him better, but for a few different reason, we don't spend much time alone.

I am getting together my stuff for my games. I finished my character for Patrick's game (except for history, which i don't think is as important as before). I have to make up characters for the two LARPs this summer, though the Mortals LARP should be easy to do. Making a character for the werewolf LARP will be harder, but I have a couple weeks, since Craig won't be running until he gets back from France. And my new character, who is shaping up really nicely, won't be needed until fall. Though I want to get it mostly done in the next week or so, since this Friday we are meeting at 6 to do stuff for the group i'm associated with.

I watched some Samurai X today, showing it to a friend who likes Rurouni Kenshin, but has never seen the movies. He didn't finish watching them, but will hopefully watch them tomorrow, since he seemed to like them alot. It was getting kind of late, we had already watched a movie, which was alot of fun. I <3 Shrek 2...

And Patrick said he will show me Kill Bill tomorrow, since I haven't seen it. Evan will probably join us. And whoever else feels like hanging out.. though nobody else is really solid. Evan wants to hang out, but is doing some job searching tomorrow. I need to do that as well. I don't have much longer till I'll need the money. I need to get paperwork filled out. If my financial aid goes through alright, I might not need to get a job..but I should. I might need to help a friend out.. I curse the fact that another friend, who owes me money is working, but still hasn't payed anything towards what he owes. I'll probably never see it. The sad thing is the friend came up with the idea to pay me for borrowing something and even came up with the amt. And yet he hasn't even tried to pay. And he knows I could really use the money.

Especially since I might be moving in the fall. I want to stay here, but if all else fails and Jason is either not moving or just being a pain, I might move somewhere else. I would love to stay here, I am really starting to see this place as a home. And its been a long time since I've been that comfortable in a place. I kind of moved around alot for a while and I lived places but they never felt right i guess.

But i at least feel like i live with someone who cares right now. There are other people who I would want to live with, if given the choice.. and that might end up happening if all works out. I think I would be happier than I've been in a long time..

Have you ever had specific people who always make you happy..? No matter what the situation is, they just always make you smile.. I have one main person and a couple of others who do that for me. I try to do that for others as well.. I guess i think that people need to laugh, especially when they are sad.

...that didn't make much sense

Well thats really all for now, I will probably do more updating later.

Samurai X is awesome..

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