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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Monday, February 12, 2007
Guilt's a bitch.
yeah, i decided to stay home today because its the day of my birth, and i feel kinda guilty about it, i had convinced myself that i was going to end up going today, as long as nothing went wrong, well my dad slept in so i was late, so basically i saw that as an omen that i should stay home, so i ran inside the school [cuz i really had to crap] then went home. now i have to figure out how i'm going to make up fashion-show day, its not as if i didn't want to go to school, its just that i really seem to have bad luck on my birtday, i've had it since i was in elementary school, but i do seem to put to much stock into abstract terms like "luck" or "fate" or "providence" i suppose i like shirking off the respouncibility of my actions, merely blaming them on the will of a higher being, maybe its a defense mechanism so thsat i don't go nuts with blame based off all the terrible decisions i make.
As for what i've gotten so far for my life aniversary, my brother got me ear buds, a knife sharpener, and another pocket knife [again he shopped not off my list" he also got me that nerf sniper rifle the "long-shot" he likes it cuz it has the same name as the sniper rifle from gears of war. well i put it together, being as it comes in too pieces i decided to mess arond for a while pretending i was Dearka in the Buster, and while i t was still in the box i played Nicol in the Blitz, even if the box is retangular and the Blitz's gun/shield is a pointy trapazoid. well i snapped them together and decided to try to snipe, and ya know what?
the damn thing is as accurate as a shotgun! i know this because i was plaging Dearka, aiming at my Strike action figure so i yell out "Take this Strike Pilot!" at the damn rounds all fly off course like hell. "accurate up to 30 feet" yeah, if you know the exact angle of decent in the round and ypu're shooting at a WHALE! the damn foam rounds don't just fall, they fly off coarse laterally too.
the cool thing is that they are shaped like rifle rounds, thel look like reall bullets, even in texture diiferences, foam "jacket" and rubber "tip" so i was pretty happy aout that, the rounds also come in clips that look like real magazines, plus the gun is bolt action, its a simplified bolt, just back and forth, but the bolt does select rounds, and the clips have springs in them.
my dad just gave up and gave me $50, so i have to decide what to buy with it, i know i'll buy some Gundams, but i don't know which ones.
i still have my moms presents to open, and she actually shops off my list, plus the only package that came came from wall of fame, so i know that they are Gundams, because that douche bag doesn't carry anything else. the other guys that sell Gundamns are slipping, so i believe i'll just cancel my orders for DVDs from them and just get things from Right Stuf, they've never let me down.
Speaking of Right Stuf, i finally saw the last episode of Kare Kano, and boy is it a GAINAX ending, Asaba, Yukino, Tsubaki, and all the other girls are working on their play, Arima is pissed at Takifumi because he doesn't like anyone getting close to Yukino, Arima has an inner conflict in which i loves Yukino's free-spirit, but due to his insecurity he wants to keep her all to himself [complete with cool scenes of Yukino wrapped up by rose vines or dark ribbony things, very stylized and cool] Asaba telling Takifumi that the Armia he was HIS ONLY FRIEND as a kid was the FAKE one [which was great, because i love imitating Asaba/Gaara's voice] but is any of this resolved in the end?
because its GAINAX, the final scene is Takifumi realizing he might have slight feelings for Tsubasa...
it was pretty funny when he thought he might be gay because the two people he likes the most are the pretty-boy Arima and the tom-boy Tsubasa. though the scene where he talks about as a kid he always wanted to be stronger than Tsubasa, because back then gender did nothing towards physical strength, but now he realizes that bilogically he with any amount of effort is physically superior to her, and he gets caught of gaurd by how thing and frail her arms are, that was cute.
still working on strengthening my body, i did 25 push-ups yesterday in an effort to stengthen my chest, i hope that helps, along with all the other shit i put my body through to be better looking, i must say my waist looks good, not its just tits and ass i gotta work on, so thats what walking my weeny dog, running stairs, crunches and push-ups are for. i just want to be leaner, i have a pretty face, not a handsome many one, so i want and need a lean sexy body to go with it.
so i need luck on that!
well i'll be trying to keep myself busy today, to try to block out my guilt.
so i'll probably do the stairs and write so AP.
Hiya I'ts bev!!!
Muhahahahaha I hacked in cus i can?!!!!!
It's his B-Day!!!!!!
I love you JD!!!!
I love you so MUCH!!!!!!!

Lots and lots of kissis for you!!!!
*Kisses JD*
Ok i'm bored Bye bye!!!!
I'm his GF!
"avoiding fate is part of fate"
i use that saying a lot.
visit my lover, she is making an effort to be more prolific on here.

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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