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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Being sick is "fun"
yeah, it was a snow day today, which is goode because i'm miserably sick, so its nice to have a day to rest. yesterday i went to school even though i was sick as fuck, because i felt bad for taking my birthday off, so i went even though i had a fever and light headed, it sorta felt like i had virtigo, or when you play a video game with bad camera angles, like here you are walking forward when WHAM, the camera shifts and you go left and get killed by the Boss Character. but i ate some apple chips [i made a joke as i was munching on them that i'm like health-concious Choji] and some advil, along with my normal medicine, vitiman C. well about 3rd hour i started to feel better, in fact i'm feeling better now too, and every time i do feel better my palms sweat. i woke up this morning and my throat hurt, dso i drank a bottle of water, but i had no voice, so i tried to clear my throat, but the mucus went down my throat, i choked and threw up 16.9 ounces of aquafina water, and about two mouthfuls of bile and phlem, so yeah, that was a happy morning. yesterday my cheeks lost all color, [i actually got PALER!] but at least the dark circles under my eyes went away. today i my chheks were bright red, and my eyes were dark as hell, even though i got at least 10 hours of sleep. had some fun dreams too, one, because Doctor Who comes on about 2 hours before i go to bed was me traveling time, but it wasn't in the TARDIS, it was more like the computer systems from Outlaw Star [ya know, whgen Harry and Melfina would talk, or like where Gene killed Hazanko] and as i woke up i thought "i know its febuary 13th, but is it 2005 [the year all the episodes of Doctor Who i watch originally came out] or 2007?" then i had a dream where Chuck Norris was kicking people's asses, until he went up against Samuel L. Jackson, who's backstory was obviously inspired by the movie "The One" where Samuel L. Jackson's grandfather had billions of sons, because he was "a pimp like that" [exact quote from the dream] then all those sons had billions of sons, which then fought until one was left, who inherited all the powers of the billions combined. so SLJ was up against Norris and he goes "whatcha gonna do nigga? round house kick me in the face? you realize the shit i've been through? you evera hafta to get a whole bunch a mothafuckin snakes off a mothafuckin plane!? you evera haft do deal with a buncha big-ass crazy sharks?! or get your arm torn off by a mothafuckin Dinosaur!? no, yo ass stays down in the south dealin with angry crackas, you ever been to the ghetto!?" Samuel L. Jackson then recited Ezekiel 25:17 [The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!] and beat the living shit out of Chuck Norris.
yeah, my dreams are fun.
well i openned Bev's present to me today, she got me a lace heart with a puppy on top holding a heart in it's mouth that says "kiss me", she also got me a fuzzy heart pillow, a red feather rose, and hard candy on a stick with a love note attached, so yeah it was pretty cute, i gotta remind Bev to tell you guys what i got her, i think it'd be better she told you guys, being as she's more pysched and happy about it then me -^_^-
yeap, she is really cute, my loveable beaner, she was so happy to get her presents, all happy and kissy, i can't wait i'm with her when i give her stuff, i'll probably end up wearing more lip-gloss than the colloctive amout gracing the lips of the entire casts of both seasons of "Flavor of love" as well as "i love new york" so that will be a good happy time. but hey until then i've got her voice and the knowledge that she loves me, as well as the few pictures she sent me, though i can't complain, i only gave her one [i don't have many pictures of me, and no camera phone or digital camera either] but hell, i do love getting pictures of my cutie. -^3^-
she is so cute and sexy! i mean look at the piccy of her at the beginning of my site! [i'm worse than Maghes Hughs]
she made some pitures for me, i don't know if she's going to upload them today or something, cuz she didn't send them. but whatever happens i'm just happy to have her as mine, and to know that i now completly belong to her. its nice to know that ya have all that ya need, and i have that in Beverly, she is so perfect to me, and i'll be so happy when i get to hold her in my arms this summer, and for the rest of our lives when she graduates and moves here.
i love her so much, i'm gushing just thinking about her, she makes me blush and makes my heart throb just hearing her voice, or the sounds of her kisses, i stand no chance against her in real life. it'll be heaven, just to spend a week or two with her, and when we live together? well i suppose heaven can get better.
this is the best valentines ever Bev, thanks.
i love you.
Bev here!!!!!
hehehe Happy Valentime
I hacked in again cus i can!!!
Well I wanna tell you i love you!!!
Hehehehe I got cute little CHIBI couple!!!!!
i love you JD!!!!
hope you all have a great day!

"I wanted to say that i love you soooo Much! and thank U all youv'e Done ¢¾"
please visit her, i mean look how sweet she is!

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!
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