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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Not6hing like starting off a post that's content will be explaining past reference to Daleks, which invariably will make me have to explain something else to people, but for now we will be explaining CAD.
CAD would be the web comic Ctrl+Alt+Del, and i must say that it is a bit to big of an obscurity for me, at times its very funny, but i just feel so dirty reading something that more than twelve peoplre knows exists [of course i don't get nearly as many questions when i mention VG Cats so maybe that is the more popular one about these parts] but in any case reading it, as i said makes me feel like i'm dying inside, like Dante! i put Dante's theme [appropriatly named "Dante"] on my iPoor [SanDisk 240] and i must say her song makes everything seem so sad, its a good song, i just now understand why dante is so evil [beside the whole body rotting thing] i mean could you imagine trying to eat a sandwhich with some random chick sreaming operatic behind you? it'd sure make life more depressing. like i was walking through school when i first heard in on my iPoor [i really need to buy a Zune] and there were these two kids talking, a male and a female, so of course with the music playing they were a couple breaking up for some terrible reason [baby-rape!] because i had... what the fuck is her name anyway [wiki'd it] Ooshima Michiru, i had Ooshima Michiru screaming in my ear, i also heard it while walking my dog on a gray-skyed day where there weren't that many people out, so with my little theme music it seemed like the world was all dead except me, sad theme music will that to you.
but can you imagine how hyped Kira must be, with METEOR playing while he brushes his teeth? its strange that he is so calm all the time, well actually he is bi-polar, always all calm, then he starts yelling, then calm again [i'd like to blame it on Matt Hill but he didn't do it as Bankotsu so i don't think its his fault...] and speaking of silly voices, do you think they chose Andrew Francis for Haseo's voice on .Hack based on how crazy he gets later on? i think they did, his pupils all small, babbling incoherently about needing more power, i'm just waiting for muruta Azreal there to demand the use of Nuclear Weapons to wipe out Tri-Edge, i swaer i'd pay him per letter to say it, i want another Azrael moment! Andrew was also the voice over the PA in VH1 crap-fest of a movie "Totally Awesome" so i was expecting for him to call for the nuking of the main character because he was too unpopular, i think its just because that was the first big role i saw him in, i guess if i watched Escaflowne i'd be making Dilandau jokes right now.
Speaking of voices i got to the point that Dion dies in Star Ocean, now that i know how awesome his voice is, aw fuck it, even the first time i played that really made me sad, that's about the moment the game goes from fun to deep and beautiful, when they cut to that hi-res scene woith the Vendeeni warship wiping out all those Glyphians and Aquios soldiers, just seeing all these valient fighters being slaughtered by that hi-tech alien race, the air dragon rushing in and then falling from the sky on fire, watching laser rain down from the sky wiping out all the Runological Weapons and their gunners, iswaer i turned into Kira right there, because the damn Airyglyph soldiers will still fight you, i found myself going "this is not the time to be fighting eachother!" and wishing i could just disable all the soldiers instead of killing them, and stop that damn ship from hurting any more people, of course Fayt does that for me, with his awesome brain beam of deconstructiness, and now that i know what Luther and his Executioners do to wipe people out i think that's what Fayt does do, he deleted the data of that ship from the world we live in. i really love this game, it might be because i'm not a HUGE gamer and i didn't get into RPGs and specifically FFVII, that Star Ocean grabs at my heart strings like an Irishman grasping Whisky [i can make that joke, i'm a mic] but i like to think its really great, even after the whole "yeah, these kids are video game characters" story point gets unvieled, the oh so Anime "they may be data, but they are self-aware, and can enter our world and physically interact with us." rant from Blaire kind of resolves that. as far as stories go i think Square should get an Academy Award for Star Ocean III's plot, its probably the deepest game, hell deepest story i ever encountered, [well maybe Chobits was a LITTLE deeper... maybe] Disgaea had a very good story too, and ToS had great characters, but Star Ocean III has the best story ever.
if you love story driven epic, you really should pick up Star Ocean III, if you want character driven i say go with Disgaea, then ToS, Tos is just fun to play, and has great characters, the characters are just a little less epic than Disgaea, of course thats like saying Platnium isn't as sparkly as Diamonds, platnium is still a treasure!
speaking of treasures, Bev is sleeping off her sickness, so imight even get more sleep tonight!
visit Bev, i will now sleep, possibly...

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!
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