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• 1990-02-12
• in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
• 2005-03-25
• slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
• J-D, Got it memorized?
• i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
• i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
• Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
• to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
• writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
• annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Daleks need to Exterminate more than my time.
yep, sorry that i keep disapearing from Otaku lately, its just with the Dalek and ACT i've been kinda busy, i'll try to fill you in on the best parts of the week, but i'm going to tell you now this has not been the best week ever.
well as far as the ACT wasn't that bad, the questions weren't that tough, its just the stress of the timing and the fact that really all colleges care about, so that made it "fun" now what made it genuinly fun was the teacher i got, Danik, basically pranced about the room like the sugar-plum fairy for the 12 hours we took these tests over 2 days. the teachers are all supposed to sit in the front of the room and observe us, instead Danik skipped through the room, did chin-ups on the door pane, sat down next to people and stared at them, he also pretended to throw pencils like throwing knives. i basically see Danik as being an older me, older and wierder, or at least wierd in a different way, plus i think he is gay, he dresses very metro and is buff, so i think he's a bit of a fairy, hence the prancing. though maybe my idea of him is biased, being as the first time i met him he had snuck into my classroom unnoticed while our class watched GATICA, crouched down next to, and then proceded to whisper the lines to the movie in my ear sensually. yeah, Danik is messed up in the head. he also would lay back in his chair and caress his nipples, i think he is insane.
Best of all Danik is a dead-ringer for David Tennant [10th Doctor] from hair to speach paterns and manerisms, beside the fact he is more built and lacks the british accent i was getting watched in my ACTs by a Time Lord. i really wanted to bring that up to him but i was too shy. i'm still not great at the whole "human-interaction" thing, i mean since meeting and falling for Bev i've gotten a lot better but its still a weak skill for me. between him and Lezak i'm guessing i like teachers more than my peers, which i'm aware annoys my lover so thats not really good, but my complete inability to talk to those i respect and/or am afraid don't like me, so i guess it just evens itself out in the end.
as for how the Dalek is going, well i've gotten a lot done but i'm still not exactly done with it, i've got a lot of the parts made, but most of them were not painted, and there are some major parts that i haven't even started on, like the dome and eye-stalk as well as the laser arm, i've basically given up on making a Dalek that looks like a great Dalek, i just want it to look like one, i mean it is just a project for public speaking, its not like my life depends on it for me to do it great so i think i just need to create my damn Dalek and get this over with, then i can take it to class, give my damn speach and be done with this. i must admit that this was a really bad idea, but i'm in too deep now, so might as well get it done.
Weiss may very well get fired. some kid in my class made a marshmellow launcher, and another teacher found out about it and almost got the kid expelled, so he told them is was a prop for a speach, so now Weiss might get fired. the best part is the teacher who is launching the attack is the union president so i must say this will be interesting to see in the future what happens. they classified a marshmellow launcher a deadly weapon, because he could "launch BBs or live ammunition" from it. LIVE AMMUNITION!? how the hell do you shoot live ammo from a marshmellow launcher? so basically everyone in class has been pointing out other dealy weapons, glue gun, plastic egg, golf club, cookie, rubber duckie... you can do it forever!
i've possibly met the worst person in the world, her name is jacky and she used to be in my first hour, where i thought she was cute, which as you all know i find often in the lady-folk, but now i have her in 5th our where she is behind me, and being as hearing is better from behind i get to hear conversations like "i just got out of a serious relationship, i'm not ready for another, i mean i'll still have sex with him, but i'll never call him my boyfriend, and if he calls me his girlfriend i'll never talk to him again." or a conversation involving the fact her and her friend cheated on their boyfriend's by sleeping with the same guy, but its no big deal, it was just having sex with one guy... yeah, it gets better: her friend is worried her BF will dump her if he finds out so she's afraid to tell him, so Jacky goes "it was just sex, if he leaves you for that its okay, because he'd just over react about everything. i cheat on my boyfriend all the time, he's 19 and ii'm 16 so he has a job and is never around or there for me, so he knows i cheat on him because he can't fufill me."
ever get the extreme will to throw desk at someone's head? i did.
"Will Danik live forever bar accidents?"
visit Bev, she isn't a douchy cunt-bag whore.

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!
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