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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Monday, March 19, 2007
Another situation.
just no time to rest for Poor JD, just as i am finally able to return to otaku now that my Dalek is done my BG code disapeared [it was someone else's code, and i never backed it up] so i had to set up a temp, whenever i have more time i'll tinker with it some more, probably weds while i'm on the phone with my beaner, but for right now i just replaced it with another Flonne BG, i'll look through my archives and see if i can find a better BG somewhere, but this one does look cooler, though Flonne's post is a bit stiff, i guess i can't complain, being as i can't make them.
well the Dalek rant went well i public speaking, i guess Heine [i told you my teacher looks like Heine Westenfluss] has seen Doctor Who cuz she about died of laughter while i was giving it, and the class seemed to like it, though i'm guessing that was just based off my natural charisma, not the content of the speach, i've learned from you guys that most of the time if you haven't seen Doctor Who you don't give a shit about Daleks. as far as the quality of the Dalek it looks kinda crappy, it looks good from the side, because i built it mostly from a side-view picture, but the colors don't match because of all the materials, the base was card-board and wooden half-spheres, they looked the best, the midsections was paper bag so it was pretty dull, and the head was half a styrofoam ball with a pice of panty-hose over it, spray painted gold, like the rest of it. Bev said i should use a bra, to which my mom demonstrated that it wouldn't fit, said there is a difference between A and D cup and said she should mail me one of her's. but being as no one at school knows what the fuck a Dalek is anyway i didn't really matter.
i tried showing it to Danic, being as i got a great comment saying maybe Danic really is a Time Lord [being as he is as crazy and looks like David Tennant] and was staring at me because he knew i was going to make a Dalek. i must admit it'd really suck ass if when i finished my Dalek The Doctor came in, pulled out the sonic-screwdriver and broke it, but i was ready, i had an exacto-knife and if i heard the TARDIS Engines i'd get ready to stab me a Time Lord. i also wanted to know if Danic even watches Doctor Who, so i showed him my Dalek, and he said "thats cool" which solves nothing! oh well, i really have to get over this unhealthy obessession with the cooler male teachers, its just not normal for me, i'm not the type that makes friends like that, i'm destined to be friendless, i know i'll have Bev because i love her enough that i can be worth staying with for her, but towards friends and people i like plutonically i have a real fear of intamacy and affection, so make friends sucks for me. but oh well, i always used to say all i wanted when i was a kid was a love, and other than that i'll be alone. be careful what you wish for.
this seems to be the week of new Anime themes, Gundam SEED Destiny, Bleach, Naruto, as well as GTO, all new songs, and for the most part good, so my ole Sandisc 240 got a ton of new songs. the new one for GSD is so awesome, i must say its on level with anything Takinori, See-Saw, Nami Tamaki, or even Rie Tanaka, it is so aweome! on the other hand the new theme for Naruto mskes me want to strangle everyone at Toonami.
Though it wouldn't take much to get me to kill them at this point, being as they ruined Toonami! TOM took off his mech-suit thingy! and now the ship is all cute, they've turned it into meguzi or what ever that dog-shit of a block the put on week-days is called. i suppose its inevitable that the world passes you by, but to see Toonami fall, to see the familiar characters i saw growing up turn into the shit they're making them now, it really hurts me, i feel like my childhood is officially dead, like the end of innocence or something, i'm going to go bitch to CN, i don't know if any of you guys will, you never seem up to it, but oh well. the thing that pisses me off the most is that they showed a "best of toonami montage" and it basically remineded me off all the great things they gor rid off, its like cutting off a guy's dick then showing him videos of all the best sex they had, its just wrong!
i'll try to visit you guys today, but it's not looking good, i promise i'll get things back to normal, but i guess it'll take longer than i thought. and AP is behind too, i'm really loosing my shit, i gotta get it straight again.
"Imagine if the Dalek worked! i bet i could even bring it to school with me, laser and all, after all it doesn't have anything deadly on it like a marshmellow launcher"
exerp from my speech.
my beaner must be visited!

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!
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