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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Return of a Legend.
I'm back...
well now that that little formality of my quirkiness and devotion to what is left of Tech TV is out of the way i will begin posting.
i'm now an Otaku Legend, which basically means half the damn site are legends being as i'm not exactly one of the oldest members on here, but then again i'm not exactly a n00b either so i suppose maybe i'm still a bit above the curve, i mean i'm ranked 239 out of 500,000+ members so maybe i'm not exactly a charity case but as i've said before, if Otaku was some evil organization in an anime i'd be one of the guys wiped out by a huge energy blast, sans name or listing in the credits, course then again Adam is ranked 16 or so, so by that logic, depending on how long the series was, the creator of this site might be in the same boat, which a great bit of irony. but hell i kept that ranking through two weeks of making a Dalek then my computer throwing another hissy fit, so i suppose if i get back to my regular schedule i might exactually break into the 100's, just 40 ranks away.
yep, my computer got a few upgrades, and it may get wiped and reprogrammed depending on what my brother's brilliant plan turns out to be, i now have a DVD burner, so i can back up all my shit pretty damn quick, plus whenever my bro decides to fix my comp so i can watch, and hear videos on my computer as well as run windows music player i'll be able to watch DVDs on my computer, or watch the limited number of programs gendou will let you download. but best of all i've got a new printer, and this one doesn't use water-based inks, so i no longer have to get into bed after a shower like an 80 year old man trying not to break a hip, fuck, eventually i could take a piss on my wall and not mess up anything, once i cycle through all my wall decorations. the printer is also a copy machine, and scanner, so once i figure how to edit the size of pics i can post my own art, of course i'll still send it to Bev afterwards, but now i can have copies too, i guess so that in a few years i can look back and see how much i used to suck more than i do then.
next up in public Speaking is Bawls Jell-o, oh yes my friends, it will be a good 7 minutes of JD ranting about Bawls [YEAH, TO THE EXTREME!] so you know those poor brain-dead bastards in my class will be giggling over this one, which is the reaction i like, i personally don't find the "Bawls" puns hilarious, but more the reactions other people have, ranging from excitement, histarical laughter, or the desire to beat me to death with something, though i was kind of annoyed by some chick who looked at me like "grow up" when i mentioned my plan, i found that irritating. yes, i realize that repeating the comical name of this energy drink is the equivilent of beating and raping a dead horse in infinitum, but really its a fucking demo speech, sorry i can't come up with something "truly amazing" i'm doing my best bitch, so shove it up you're ass [passive agressive much?]
as for my deranged rant on Toonami, it appears that a bunch of other fanboys feel the sdame way as me, hopefully CN will actually listen to us, though by their own statements they want everyone my age to be watch [as] so they can market Toonami to small children, which to me seems pretty strange, if you have a block of shows that fails to appeal to small children, but pleases your older, loyal fans their logic tells them to ruin that block instead of, i don't know, coming up with one little kids like and keeping the shows and characters the teens like, but oh well, let them fuck me over, let them ruin my memories and expectations, eventually they will fuck up so bad i'll never watch again, if these people are that stupid i'm no one to stop them.
i saw 300 tuesday, and it was awesome, i recommend all you guys see it as well. its the best movie i've seen in a long time, but i'll go into that tomorrow.
as will i rant about Destiny, if i remrember, someone remind me of these future rants.
writing AP 22, if you need chapters pm me.
visit me beaner

i love ruining lives
[this took place in german class, as the new student teacher was being evaluated]
kid: my pencil is gone! this is gay!
Eleeza: Don't say that! pencils aren't alive, they can't be homo-sexual or happy.
Me: Your pencil disapeared.
Kid: Yeah.
Me: Can't find it anywhere?
Kid: Nope.
Me: No one could have taken it?
Kid: I would have seen them.
Me: so it just vanished?
Kid: Basically...
Me: you might say these circumstances are strange, maybe even down-right queer.
Me: I was merely speaking the Queen's english, Queer, as in strange.
she is so going to be fired, or at least marked down for that one, people need to be less sensitive
HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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