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myOtaku.com: JD Person

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

killing time.
yep, my days are basically becoming just an obstacle between me and seeing my lover, its not as if i really dislike these days, i don't feel as filled with strife and desperation as i have in the near past, now i just see these approaching days as sorta unchanging and just dull, its sort of a fun dull in a way, it sorta feels like i've retired or something, its probably because i haven't had any real work in a while, school has just been lazy and uneventful. recently i talked with more people and i'm probably becoming more well known and prolific, which os good because i don't particular enjoy being alone or not talking to people, its just i'm not good at engaging people, in starting conversations, once someone starts one with me i'm perfectly fine with yipping on forever, but its still the vstarting things that i'm bad at, i've interjected into conversations as of late, and i think its because of my increased confidence no one gives me that "A-B conversation, C yourself out of it." bullshit, i guess its a vicious circle, the weakest people are the ones most attacked.

i've basically started to try to bond with the vapid girls in my 5th hour, though they are a bit ditzy and maybe too much of the stereotypical "iu wanna be popular" preppy types, but they're nice people it seems and genuinly interested in my life it seems, plus they don't hesitate to tell me if i'm acting insociable or assholish, which is what i need, for people to just tell me if i'm acting a bit too emotional or defensive. there are a lot of other people italk to that just sort of sound dejected or disinterested if i say things they don't believe in, or they dislike, so i like the more honest way they act better. whenever we have free time in my 6th hour people always want to pull me aside and talk to me about Bev, but i can tell it is far less genuine, its more like they are entertained by my relationship than to actually find it cute or even acceptable, they all question me, and tell me its doomed, they all think she is lyingg to me, and a bunch of them basically called her a whore, they said she looks like a slut and that she probably is one because she is lustful towards me, one guy kept asking if she was a virgin, and if i was gonna hit it and split, as well as saying that the physical aspect of relationships is most important, orr that i can't be in love with her because i never met her in person, also that i'm too pale [that was just random]. most of the girls thought it was cute, well at least one, another, part of the school uber-christian group [and the only other admitted virgin in the group] basically went with the "she's lying, physical, physical, physical." mantra. which i find comical, faith in the bible, but none in humanity, i love the irony in that, because there is no more proof in the bible than that Bev is telling the truth to me, and i believe in both, just so you know, i just find it funny, the lack of faith in some "christians." the last girl i can't tell if she is really interested, being facetious, or a little of both, but those others obviously think i'm naive and that i'm secretly dating a 50 year old male paris hilton.

but fuck them, butt-fuck them, because i really have no need to hear from a bunch of pecismistic non-believing bitter useless degrading pieces of shit. some faithless empty-hearted self-proclaimed christian, a sad classic example of the class clown in need of classic attention, though he is smart, i'll give him that he always looks like he's full of shit, he just looks untrustworthy and just wrong, he's always kissing his girlfriend [they seem to get traded out fairly regularly] in the exact same spot in the same hall at the same time each day, then there is the fer'ner party-boy, both of which [him and Douchy McGee] get props from their peers because "they have no trouble getting layed." i think its pretty funny that the i'm dealing with faithless christains and now loose man-ho's calling Bev a slut because she wants to be affectionate to her boyfriend of two years. and the two sluts can't seem to remember that Bev is my girlfriend, she lives in Vegas, i love her, i trust her, i talk to her around 3 hours a day, its just as easy to lie in person as it is away, some people care more about emotions than orgasms, and that las Vegas is not part of mexico, of yes, that her name is Beverly, she's a mexican, and that i will visit her this summer for around 2 weeks.

i'm not phased by it though, all those people can burn in hell as far as i'm concerned, i have Bev, so i have no need for these fools, let them all go down their paths and i'll take mine, lets see where we end up in the end.


"EVA is one of the best love stories of all time. Gendo and Yui. Gendo Ikari will not just live for his wife, and he won't just doe for her, no non no, he will cause the Apocalypse, wipe out all of humanity and unite their souls into one single being just to see his wife again, that is love."

-Me, obviously.

visit the one i love and trust with my life and heart [essentially the same thing]

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!

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