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myOtaku.com: JD Person

Saturday, June 2, 2007

well for once my mind is not all clouded and sleepy, this is a very strange feeling to be updating "sober" to compare it, to not be enebriated by sleepiness is quite strange, i don't know if it will make things more or less interesting, or it could have no effect what so ever! who knows, its another strange mystery!

but in any case i'm glad that you guys all came and commented on wednesday's post and hell, a few people even read my story, so at least AP pleases those who read it, i guess what i really need to do is get more people to read it, then again i don't really know what the right amount of self-promotion and pestering is the correct amount to draw in readers without either annoying and driving them away of allowing it to slip under the radar, but i guess that is just something i'll have to experiment on and eventually find the exact amount of hype that is productive to me. but on that note if you want a chapter of AP from 1-22 i'd be happy to send one or more to you, because AP is my babyand my best accomplishment and i'd really like to have a bit more readers and fans. but i guess i'll have to earn them, so if no one wants it, i'll understand.

in other shit i'm trying to do i decided to take my beaner's advice and try copying pictures to improve my drawing abilities, which seems to be helping a little, the current picture i'm drawing looks really good body-wise, i think i'll have to try re-drawing the head, because it looks like total crap, infortunatly i can't find a single part i see as the probelem, so i might end up just doing the whole damn head again, i really hope that isn't needed though, because to have to re-draw all that would be so bothersome. i really hope it will be better than usual, being as its so much more complex than my usual process, and i am trying a lot harder. though really what right do i have to expect my art to be amazing, i've only been drawing for like a year, so the fact that i suck so much less than other people says a lot.

tomorrow i'm going to try to get the components to get my speakers and youtube working again, as well as i have to mow my dad's lawn, so i doubt i'll be doing much gaming tomorrow, which is a bit of letdown to me, but hey, life sucks, the world is fucked up and happiness is a luxury, so if i have to go out and do this, then fine, i mean i'm getting payed anyway, so its not like its torture or anything, i'm just exceptionally whiny, which all of you should probably know that already.

there is one other thing i'd like to say about Dragon Quest VIII, and really most RPGs in general... why are the best weapons only available only AFTER you beat the game!? i hate that, to get the cool stuff you already have to beat the guy you hate and have wanted to kill for 100+ hours, i mean if i already killed God, or the evil bird of darkness, the Seraph or the ancient hero gone bad, and then i get this really cool sword, what the hell am i gonna do with it!? kill more bonus dungeon bosses? why!!?! and how are these dungeons harder? i just killed the guy who united then tore apart the whole world, turned it into two dimensions, or who created are whole universe on his computer, the evil bird that destroyed a whole city, 7 sages and trapped God in eternal darkness, how can some wierd bigfoot thing or some damn dragons be stronger? i loved the way ToS did it, all the bonus stuff, with maybe the exception of going to Hell, was available before you fought the final battle, actually all of it was, because the game restarts when you beat it, that is a great idea. Disgaea does the same thing, except that there is no way that your first time around, unless you are very obsessed, are you going to beat all the bonus dungeons and gotten the best weapons when you fight the Seraph, though i suppose it makes sense, Laharl is the OverLord of the Netherworld and now celestia and probably Earth, so i guess him inslaving the girl from Rhapsody, but still i'd like to get all the cool stuff, and it being pretty normal, to beat the main baddie. the two examples of the worst would be Star Ocean and Dragon Quest. Star Ocean being that every character has two weapons you can only get after you beat the game and then the bonus dungeons, so once i get the awesome sword what am i supposed to di, kill all the monsters in one blow because i'm now stronger than anything in the game? or in Dragon Quest after i kill birdy i can get the components to make the metal-monster killing weapon so i can power level, but who am i supposed to power level to kill? the stupid dragon trials? why? i killed the evil dude, now if i had to defeat the guys who lost to him to prove i was worthy, that'd make sense, but to kill the guys he killed, and for them to be harder than him, thats stupid. i hate when all the cool stuff is hidden away so when you get it its useless. sometimes RPGs really piss me off.


"pf course the cool stuff is only available after the story isover, because that makes SO MUCH sense!"


visit Beverly

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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