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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Friday, September 1, 2006
movin on
okay then, it often occurs that when i devote a post to something, everyone who reads it disagrees with me.
when i saw Nana get torn apart and hated Elfen Lied, everyone else loved it, but after i get psyched for it, everyone, including people who loved it before hated it. so i watch the end and get disapointed, i get tons of comments saying the end was so touching it made them cry. i write about how in love i am, everyone either goes all emo on me and says the hate/don't have/don't want/don't believe in love, i stop talking about love because of threats from people, everyone turns into the Black-Eyed Peas [where is the love?] but most of the time you guys are supporting, you guys are really good friends, and i'm happy to have you, it just seems like you all hate me at once some times.
but hell, i guess even for someone who is always offensive like me, i can push the limits some times. i'm sorry if i offended any of you, or hurt any feelings, those of you i called out for hurting me, i understand why you said what you said, and i understand why those of you you disagree with me, or misunderstood me do. so i liked to say none of you guys are on my bad side, okay! you're all great friends.
Alrighty guys, being as Ikki Tousen just ended for me, its still my obsession of the week. hell, i even had a Chinkyuu x Ryofu dream last night [not wet you sick freaks] i still think they were such a cute couple, sucks that both their lives sucked so bad.
so i wanted to get some images of Ryofu, but i found out that Okki Tousen is one of the most hated series in the history of anime. most people just see the fan service and basically hate it after that, which i think is sorta wrong. i guess i'm too feminine, i care more about good characters than a good plot. so the fact that i loved Saji, Kannei, Chinkyuu, and espeacially Ryofu [pretty on the outside, awesome, deep, memorable, on the inside] yes i thought the plot sucked at times, it was like Elfen lied, the damn thing tried to cram too much into too little space. i mean Hakufu...
okay, Hakufu reminds me of Bev, kick ass, dumb ass hell, big boobs. and Ukitsu kinda looks hispanic, she looks like an anime version of my girlfriend when her hair was shorter, if Bev didn't have blonde highlights. and Ryofu is definatly like her in a lot of was, passionate, but only towards those she loves, which is awesome. and i act like Sagi, i don't THINK like Sagi, but i act like him. i guess i'm like Ryofu too, i just talk [and look, pretty, scruffy, scrawny] like Saji, so i guess if Saji wasn't so permiscuous i'd be like Saji, i'm Saji if i'm in love with the person. And Kannei?
i just love Kannei!
i mean i love imatating his voice, and tongue hanging. just going around saying different character's names, then going "I'll kill you!" with my tongue hanging out. now i just need tonfas and learn how to climb things while walking like EVA Unit 01 during the fight with the 14th angel. but as far as the blatant fan-service? Elfen Lied had more nudity, but no one calls it "porn." sure you see a lotta panties and some camel toes, and the fighting is sorta "enh." but the characters are really good! and i respect that Hakufu, the main character, the one that everyone is a afraid of, loses almost all her fights! sure she beats up Kannei, but everyone does, she did almost kill Ryomo, but then again Ryomo loses a lot too. i mean that is awesome, she doesn't win it all in the end, she doesn't even come close, she fails horribly! its awesome!
i just wish Toutaku had stayed dead after Ryofu killed him. i mean him coming back, and Hakufu beating him, MENTALLY! this girl is so dumb that she makes Jessica Simpson look like Madame Curie. she didn't understand the concept that if someone kicks you in the legs enough times, you won't be able to stand up, or fight. or who has to be told not to follow strangers, even if they offer food, and she outsmarts a guy who makes Naraku look unorganized, careless, and rash. that is sorta wierd.
but hey, i still want more of Ryofu and the other characters i liked, so i enjoyed it.
but i still don't know why that Loveless Reject Toutaku wears all those bandages, they say its explained in one scene, but i missed it. maybe its because he keeps trying to avoid his fate, trying to change what was given to him at birth, he's going against him name! [i love being able to make jokes involving a series (Loveless) that i never watched, thank you wikipedia!]
Ikki Touseni is available on YouTube, if you value memorable characters, then i suggest you watch it, even haters like some of it.
well, i had very little bev time today, so i'm kinda sad. oh well, still happy to have her! i'm so in love with her! today she washed Peanut [stuffed Penguin i gave her for our anniversary] and accidentally spilled fabric softener on him that made him all crispy and dyed him blue, so Bev got all mopey, think ing i'd get angry at her, i told her how cute that was, and that i love how she gets so emotional over little things. she told me thaty it wasn't little to her, cuz it was a gift from me, that touched me so deep. then she accidentally cut her hand, i wished so bad i was there to lick the wound, then kiss it and make it all better, i can't wait till i get to be with her. but absence makes the haert grow fonder, and i know that i'll be REALLY fond of her when i finally get my hands [and lips] on her!
well, since Ryofu is rare to find, i'll write more Absolute Power tonight.
Love Struck Senses
When struck with Cupid's Arrow all your senses belong to another
This feeling sounds like her voice
Feels like her touch
Smells like her scent
It tastes like her kiss
And looks like when two hearts, souls, and destinies become one...
- JD
[Inspired by Beverly Galindo]
-Senshi jokes-
Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch, *breaking down* i only know one move!"
Senshi one the other hand, can kill you in inumerable ways.
-AP Comments-
Kit: Enough Ikki Tousen and Loveless, all of a sudden you're mister Yaoi/Yuri friendly!
Me: Works though, besides, you wish you were Saji, in the middle of a Chinkyuu x Ryofu sandwhich.
Foxxy: i wouldn't do anyone on that show, BLECH! Stupid Shounen anime with no Bishies...
Marane: Ryofu is so hot, so is Saji!
Foxxy: Oh yeah, SAJI! i WANT him! i bet he know all kinds of tricks!
Kit: Fine, i'll take Saji's place, and give him to you!
Foxxy: YAY!
Draka: I'd fuck Kannei!
Sora: MMMMMMMMM, me too!
Foxxy: *Creeped out* Why?
Draka: Look at that tongue, look hom good he is with it! i wanna see just how he'd use it on me!
Foxxy: and the crazy "Draka Spitfire I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" wouldn't bother you too much? or the tonfas to the head?
Sora: the crazy ones are always the best in bed.
HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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