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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Wheel of Morality...
..turn, turn, turn: show us the lesson that we should learn!
and today's moral is:
If you say everyone hates you all your friends will stick up for you, but if you act up and be too stupid, everyone will mock your ass.
so yeah, i'm cool now. all you guys are back to normal, so i'm happy. its good to know i have such great friends on here, all you guys make me laugh, you bust my balls, compliment me, try to understand me [IMPOSSIBLE! AHAHAHAHA!] or jusy envy me. then i have the fangirls. its good Setosgrl stopped by, she might have actually got the "Toutaku needs all those bandaids because he goes against his name," joke. personally i like making in-jokes, it just nice it SOMEONE gets them, i guess that would be the fatal flaw inherent to in-jokes, enh?
but yeah, i am obsessed with Ikki Tousen, i did like Yensid's comment, and i must agree, a good story is nice to go with good characters. but hell, you gotta respect something which senpai called "softcore porn." God, all the Otaku AARP were picking on me yesterday! but hell, its what i come for! now that i think about it Ikki does count as SCP, thanks a lot Toutaku and Kaku...
Seriously, Toutaku is the laziest rapist i ever saw! he "owns," the girls [he'd kill them if they disobeyed him, and he kills in painful ways] and he especially likes Kaku, he usually is laying around, and just commands Kaku to underess, then sits up, and plays with her. lazy bastard! at least Kaji-sama stands up when he crosses second base! Poor Kaku, i mean really, life long slave is one thing, put hand-job slave to the Naraku-wannabe Loveless Reject? THATS JUST TERRIBLE! And why does Toutaku wear all those bandages, Senpai you said you watched it, do you know?
well anyway, i'm still wishing there was more Housen Ryofu art out there, i really did like her, its just unfortunate she got stuck in such a hated anime, with a fatal disease, and her lover being raped and tortured to death, and her other lover manipulating her into killing herself, which failed to kill Loveless-Reject Boy. i want to see Ryofu in a better anime, i think she does the whole Gentle Fist energy style better than Neji ever could. i loved that she fights using all energy attacks, i think Saji does too. i also think Ryofu was THE strongest on there, she beat Hakufu in crazy-killer-evil-dragon-bitch mode, she beat Saji, she beat Ryoumo, and being as she was fated to beat Toutaku, who could easily beat all of them [even Saji *sob*] that'd make her the best! but i gotta applaud the Saji x Ryofu pairing, so i will write a love message, like people do about their favorite anime couple all the time:
Lets be together like Genpou Saji and Housen Ryofu,
You satisfy my insane sexual desire, and learn to please me just the way i want,
and i'll cheat on you by groping and fingering every girl i can
You pretend to kill me, then hide me and nurse me back to health, risking the life of yourself and your lesbian lover/personal assistant,
and i'll use you to kill my enmies eventually at the cost of both your lives
i'll cheat on you with an eye-patch wearing dominatrix
and you beat the shit out of her twice, both times playing with her in more ways than one
lets be together forever like Genpou Saji and Housen Ryofu,
well forever beiing until i get you to kill yourself, and i attempt, and promptly fail, to take over the world.
Saji and Ryofu are so cute!
i also must say that i'd love to debate people about the things they dislike, but sometimes the arguements get personal, and that hurts. but i also enjoy having the balls to enflame the anger of a community, and believe me, if this was a podcast, or spread out to more people, i sure as hell would. also, i intend to kill the Czars of decency as senpai put it, and i shall be the Tyrant of Decency! or lack there of!
and Bev loves when i call her dumb, she thinks its cute that i feel comfortable enough to tease her, that is shows that i really do trust her. we mock eachother all the time, its the way we show our love, and she thinks she's dumb too, so its all good! and i think its cute to lick or kiss your lover's wound! its really intiment and passionate, plus saliva does kill bacteria, so you clean the wound, you gotta admit its romantic!
i had very little Bev time tonight, i'm sad! but i'll get more time tomorrow.
Absolute Power 18 is almost ready for proof reading, i should be done by monday!
"My Balls, and the future of Humanity... WHAT THE HELL DO THESE THINGS HAVE IN COMMON!?"
[Elfen Lied]
i love that quote!
-Senshi jokes-
Chuck Norris invented Kentucky Fried Chicken's famous secret recipe, with eleven herbs and spices. But nobody ever mentions the twelfth ingredient: Fear,
his that Senshi will standing insegury him into the deep frier.
-AP Comments-
Kit: ENOUGH IKKI TOUSEN! No one cares!
Me: who's in the magazine?
Kit: *nervous* What magazine.
Me: The Playboy you were "reading?"
Kit: No o...
Aveian: Housen Ryofu...
Draco: With Chikyuu, being so nice as to manually clean Ryofu's baby hangar orally...
Kit: Wai...
Sora: While Kaji watched!
Kit: i'm screwed!
Me: Can i see it?
HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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