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myOtaku.com: JD Person

Friday, September 8, 2006

Magical spaz person JD-osity!
the reference is so vague, poorly done and obscure that i'm sure everyone will get it, because the inter-web seems to cause a logic vortex from which nothing makes sense.

well this post may be pretty schooly but hell, i make everything so wierd, so it will still probably be interesting. well i'll start off in mythology. see we had to draw a family tree of the characters in the Greek world creation myth. when it came to drawing a picture to represent the Furies, and i, at first occurence decided that they seemed like scary haunting ghosts, i drew a pac-man-esque ghost, complete with cute bug eyes. i thought maybe i should have made him angry looking, but i was too lazy, plus i liked thinking of these scary Furies looking like Rock-Lee with a bed sheet on. also, i drew an adorable anime style Cyclops head, complete with eye twinkles, cute little blush lines and a happy :D style face and smile, he looked so cute! i love being a spaz like me. then we have Lezak, my Poli-sci teacher. Lezak used to teach at my middle school [that's a whole new rant, i'll bring it up later if you remind me] he was also a lunch room attendent, and he always had on these sweat pants, and skin tight T's to show off the upper body he obviously worked hard to get [i feel like Ryoumo needs to come up behind him and due the wierd handcuff arm breaker move, while apparently having a near, if not full climax from torturing him] well now he is my teacher, and he's pretty awesome, he spends most of class talking about his personal life. like how he's going to a Mariah Carey concert saturday to make his girlfriend happy, all the other guys made fun of him and busted his balls, i went "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, thats so sweet. thats really romantic!" Sure i got a lot of dirty looks from they guys, and i have no idea what the lady-folk thought, but i sure loved saying it! lezak says he's just doing it cuz its too mmuch work to fight it, and says he might just fake a fight to get out of it. he says he often does it so he can go to the bar and drink/gamble. Lezak also brought up he had a friend who is an anesthesiologist, who is often hopped up on jack daniels and ecatacy, now he's dried up and just smokes a whole lot.
Then we have Gaylord... i'm sick of his hot-pants! they're shorter than my boxers! hell, girls at my school can't wear pants that short! why is captain underwear there teaching my class. and he is out of his fucking mind! he describes saracasm as sitting down and complaining that your day literally sucks! maybe i'm wrong, but that kinda goes against any concept of sarcasm i ever had. i never knew you could say something that was sarcastic and literal at the same time. at least Stacy is in my class, so i just crack jokes to her all hour.

well, i gotta post again at 12 so i'll leave this one short, just please, try to visit me tomorrow [sat] if you can. its equivilent exchange.

Due to circumstances to be explained later, Absolute Power 18 has not been editted, tune in to this site tomorrow for the full story.


Me: Can a gay guy who's the "catcher," get a yeast infection?

Kitty: Men can't get yeast infections! they don't have yeast!

Me: no yeasty butt?

Stacy: What?

Me: i know, sounds like a pirate name "fear Yeasty Butt, terror of the high seas!"

-Senshi jokes-

Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves,
Senshi only needs two, because no one dares oppose him.

-AP Comment-

Kit: We're all saving comments for the real post.

Me: Agreed.

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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