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in my own little universe, the entrance to which is somewhere in inkster michigan
Member Since
slacker/writer/brooding mystic/spaz/idiot/confused wandering lost soul/puppy [in joke] Straight, brown haired Eiri Yuki
Real Name
J-D, Got it memorized?
i've managed to spend 10 years in school and never had a girlfriend, thats an achievment in its sadness. but i've been in school 12 years now...
Anime Fan Since
i first saw Gundam Wing
Favorite Anime
Chobits, Gundam Seed,excel saga, Bleach, Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Blood +, Myhthical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, Makai Senki Disgaea, Tokko, Pucca, Gravitation, Ikki Tousen, Full Metal Panic, Kare Kano, Blue Gender, GITS, Cromartie High, inuyasha,.hack,kenshin,
to gain good friends and to meet up with "someone" over the summer.
writing my Flamer Fic, surfin' the net, training with various weapons
annoying people, being crafty in times of trouble
Saturday, September 9, 2006
I'm Kevin Pereira BITCH!
i know not if this "dean venture," uses uses the term inter-web, but only Pereira and his AOTS co-stars use it that i hear. so take that senpai! although your mocking did cause me to laugh pretty hard.
i must say that i act a lot like Pereira, i dress like him, i act like him, i often agree with him, and our sense of humor is defnatly the same. the only difference is Kevin is as wimpy as he looks. first off at E3 him and Adam Sessler got into an inflato-sword fight, and the Sess killed him like 3 times, so Kevin threw down his sword and stomped off. also in wiffle bat fight club he couldn't take one blow, and ran like a puss when fights broke out. but i guess i can't blame him, i guess if i was as weak as i looked i'd run away too. best of all good ole Kevy introduced me to the band that perodically tells me of their habit of interjecting over the proper time and place for door-closing. at first i hated Kevin and co. for taking away Unscrewed, being as it was about the same show, but at this point they've gotten as kooky-crazy as their predecessor, so i like it now, though i do wonder how the interviewer from Areana got his own show, and i still love when they show the flash-backs where all the crew yells "AREANA!!!!!!!!!"
but i digress, i'm wasting time, and space. i plan on writing a lot, so listen up all you peoplezez!
okay, first off, Captain daisy dikes dr. Gaylord is not a good/fun/compitent/sane/coherent teacher/man/homo-sapien/life-form in any way! he ruins stories, says confusing things like giving an example of sarcasm where the speaker is speaking literally, or at least the tone he uses is literal. he is a horrible teacher, even the other teachers make fun of him! good God he wears colors that would make Carson Crestly's eyes explode! Elton John would call him flamboyant! his shorts are shorter than a Hooters girl's! the man is a threat to himself and others. i want him to go away! most of all he's always way to close, i sit near the front, and i'm to close to those orange umpa lumpa legs in his shorty-short-short shorts. i really would dread hat class if i Stacy was there so i could mock Gaylord all hour and thus escape the horrible mental danage he seems to be attempting to cause me.
at least all i have are crotch and thigh tight demi-emo pants [they get baggy near my shins] but no one has to stare at my leg flesh all day, and i think if givren the choice they'd rather see my lily white ass then his orange legs with purplish brown liver spots!
next, i'm kinda pissed over all the people who are all "i hate anime dubs!" it really annoys me. cuz i get people who say things like "i USED to watch dubs years ago, and back then i deserved to be called a n00b!" so apparently its like a mile-stone. well i ran the race backwards, cuz at first i wanted to be the el337ist [puns are fun!] asshole and watch everything in japanese with subs, then i just said "fuck it, i'm sick of this." i like the english voice acting, and i don't care what anyone else says, i think its good enough. yes, the japanese VAs use a lot more enthusiasm, but i like too many english guys, Scott McNeil, David Kaye, Larissa Wolcott, Matt Hill, Sandy Fox, Crispin Freeman!!!!!!!!! i love those voices, and i'd rather hear them than the moderatly better japanese ones. and for all intents and purposes i don't give a flying fuck if you would rather have subs, just don't demean me for my choice, there are plenty of people who legitimatly like the subbed versions better, but the elil337ists annoy me, the people that get pissed that chi says "underpants," instead of "panties," when by there own admittence the japanese word she uses is omnisexual, underwear, no female exclusive, panties. [though if there was a way i could get away with it, and if Bev would like it...] but i digress further, i see these people like my bro who just want something to make them higher than others, they choose the one that makes them seem better, and undermine those who don't believe the same as them, i don't want to pick on subbers, i just want to say that watching dubs doesn't make me a n00b, cuz i've been watching sailor moon, gundam wing, dbz, and pokemon since they first came out, so sorry if i wasn't an importer when i was 7, but as far as my age will allow me i'm a vet.
also, the damn cell broke down wed, i got a new version today that works, but i had to go 2 days without hearing the voice of my beloved. and worst of all i couldn't get a hold of her for a while wed cuz my home phone won't call vegas for some reason, so i was so scared, crying, knowing i wouldn't be able to sleep. luckily my lover came online and i broke the news, so she wouldn't be worried. it made me so happy to know she'd be okay, and i feel asleep with a warm heart.
unfortunatly no talkie on the phone today, so no Bev editting, plus won't let me update and post AP 17, so the ole linky-link my go bye bye. yeah, tomorrow maybe?
in my new emo pants, to my dad.
Me: *sarcastic enthusiasm* I look like Kevin Pereira!
-Senshi jokes-
Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out,
Senshi doesn't have to, he just steals Chuck's, its called stratedgy.
-AP Comments-
Kit: So i'm more like you or Pereira?
Me: You're the perfect man to me, so you're the best of both.
Kit: I will never wear real emo pants, i like my reproductive organs.
Me: Me too.
Foxxy: But they're sexy!
Kit: They hurt!
Draka: like bras don't?!
Kit: Bras help your boobs, these kill are sperm, they no-helpy!
Draka: You're lucky i love sex, or i'd be done with men... fuck that i love men! i'd love to be rolling in naked ones, ctually, i have the power: that can be arranged... *runs off*
Kit: Women are scary...
HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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