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myOtaku.com: JD Person

Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday's are good days.
Yensid, i do believe you and i are thinking of the same petting, if we are not then i'm really in trouble, i'll grow up to be Miroku!

but anyway, enough of my demented fantasies, i shall now get on with the post.
Senpai, a fem-lez would be the "girl lesbian," i look like a efeminent lesbian. but i love my hair, its so cute, and i look even better with my pink sunglasses. its nice to be self centered, its fun to look in the mirror and be amazed how great you are. i mean yeah i have a little work to do but the frame work is there. what i hate the most right now is my body hair, i really want to be smooth and silky, besides the under-brush, it shall be my island of body hair. but until i have a woman's touch i'll be forced to endure my hairy curse. damned genes, i got good skin but not good calorie absorbtion or hair distribution, but oh well, i'm also pretty. i feel like Apollo, he was the most beautiful god, not handsome, beautiful. now i just need to make the body match the face and cleaning habits. i don't know, ladies, what do you think i should make great tight first, stomach, chest or ass? i need to know what is most important by the general female species. i got my scented lotion today its... grape fruit scented. yeah, its a wierd scent but its all that was available so i guess i gotta smell like pink grape fruit.
i really wish Bev was here, i know she'd have me lookin even better than i am now, not only could she give me advice, but she could also help me with other body maintanence, teach me how to shave and do it in the mean time, plus i could muooch off her stuff, like body glitter. plus she could always get my cuter by leaving her marks on me, nice glossy lip mark on my cheek or evidence of how much she sucks on my neck.
but alas i dream the impossible dream, and since i don't have Mu La Flaga to make the impossible possible i must wait.

now we have a bridge to my next subject, today was Gundam SEED Destiny day for me, and damn was this episode good, finally some insane one-of-a-kind Mobile armor in GSD, and i love when he grabs the Impulse's leg and Shinn screams "shit!" its just great to hear pilots yell things like that, plus the fight is just awesome. i love Shinn going into SEED mode, and going to school on those 3 pilots, taking all its beam-y things with his shield, then driving the sword through it's cockpit and killing all the pilots. i love the head guy was voice by Scott McNeil, so i was cracking Duo jokes.

Pilot: I'll crush you like a bug!

Me: I'll crush you like a bug, cause i'm the God of Death!

then Shinn getting a new waist and leg for his Suit, i'm thinking "since he jetisoned the old ones, does that mean they're just lost at sea?" then he pulls out those huge swords and shows why they are called "anti-ship beam-swords." don't mess with Shinn, he'll give you a anti-ship sword to the face! then there is just watching Eart Forces' ships shatter under the Minerva's main guns, or hearing poor Arthur get run down by Tallia.

Tallia: Fire the Tonheuser!

Arthur: Wha-

Tallia: Do you wanna die!?

Arthur: No...

Tallia: Then fire!

poor British guy, next time Kira returns to battle, my God is that going to be awesome! Freedom exploding out of a mountain side, Kira beating down thoser commando ass-holes. yes, i realize i'm rooting for both sides, that's why its Gundam, and why technically my FF sucks...
i just love what Freedom's G.U.N.D.A.M. stands for:
that is just so awesome, i never used to like Kira, until i realized that Lacus reminded me of my love, at least mamory-wise, and in fashion sense, plus they are both good with kids, good singers, and annoying... in a cute way. plus i love Kira's new outfit that looks like he stole it from Hot Topic, and the little dance sequence in the mid-episode breaker, so Kira is now awesome, plus sounding perpetually stoned is always good.
can't wait for next week!


the best line EVER in the crucible.

Abby: I will come upon you in a dark and terrible night, and i will wreak pointy reckoning on you!

nothing sounds more threatening then "pointy reckoning."

-AP Comments-

Foxxy: Stabbity death!

Kit: ju gotz pwned!

HAIL ZEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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