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USA, New York
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Graduated high school
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very good at coming up with ideas, finding things, predicting things
From the storm of the mind here comes Jdragon.
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
X-men: Another Option, Another Way
I'm so Happy I just started a new X-men RPG with a friend of mine. I'm hoping for the best and that everyone loves it.
When mutants first arrived on this earth, two sides began to form; those that thought they could live in harmony with the humans, and those who believed that mutants were the superior race, ultimately destined to seize control of the planet. Charles Xavier believed that humans and mutants could coexist, and so he created the X-men, a team of mutants who were trained in their powers to protect mankind and to help others. But Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, or Magneto as he preferred to be called, formed his own team: the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Unlike his old friend, Magneto used his teams of mutants to bring destruction upon humanity, causing chaos, and furthering the already existing hatred and fear of mutant kind.
And so for several years, these two factions fought each other, presenting their very different views to the rest of humanity. Mutants had only two choices; they could either fight alongside Xavier and the X-men, or battle with the Brotherhood as their only allies. Or, they could simply stay in the dark, but that way, there was no-where safe for them to be or to use their powers without fear of the consequences.
This carried on until one day, three people realized there was another option, another way.
Jay and X-23, who had been given the name ‘Jane’ by Jay, had both been at Xavier’s Institute for two years, each living there and honing their skills alongside the X-men. Jay had adopted X-23 as his sister, and Adam, Jay’s father, took her in as his own daughter. But despite their presence at the school for two years, none of the X-men came to their aid when Jay went to tackle HYDRA, in retribution for the organization’s experimentation upon his sister and himself. They pulled through, but only barely, and Adam was angry that the school had not come to help and protect his children when they had been in need of them most, and so, to that end, he set up his own school which allowed mutants another option. This school, he decided, would be purely for mutants to live peacefully, and to learn to control their powers for themselves, not to protect or hunt humanity; where they could find themselves as well as their powers. Here, they could be safe from those that would hate and fear them, and from those of their own kind who shared a different view.
So now the world’s mutants know that they have a third choice, a third way to live.
Set in the X-men Universe with other characters from Marvel always welcomed, this RPG is setting out to discover what happens when mutants are given a neutral ground to stand on, without having to fight for it themselves.
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
What have I gotten my self in to?
On thursday I had my first class of wrestling school. When I woke up the next day I swear I had pain from my neck to my legs and I didn't even do anything with my legs. oh god and the worst part is I know it is going to get worse before it feels better. No pain no gain I guess right?
I've wanted to be a pro wrestler for like half my life. So I'm going to try my best at this. and who ever is reading this, wish me luck.
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Friday, May 14, 2004
I got to vent
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I HATE THIS! Why is every one making such a freaking huge deal over GRAMMER! I have never seen or heard people complain about grammer until I got on the net. I HAVE LEARNING DISABILTYS AND ONE OF THEM IS A.D.D.
why are people making such a big deal of it. If the point gets across and it is easy to follow then what is the point? Something as stupid as this is going to prevent people from having fun, because of some jerk who cares more about grammer then anything else. It hurts you know... This has cause me to quit an RPG and now someone piss me off because the grammer of my fanfic wasn't good enough for them, so they had to go a write a long reply insulting it.
So to everyone who cares more about grammer then fun I only got one thing to say... LOSING UP!!!
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
It's frustrating
My RPG I made is getting no active players. I know if people start to join and play on it, it will be fun. I mean I know it power rangers, but you can join as almost anything or anyone. I wish i know why no one wants to join it.
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
That is not fair
I hate this!!!!! I only work three days at my job and what do they do... They lay me off!!!!! The place just open!!!!
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