Jelly Pandas

Hello, you have entered the lair of the twins!
you may call me twin 1. i am doing the typing right now, duh. well, i dont know where twin 2 is, but she'll be on to give her intro soon, ok, goodbye... for now.
Hello.This is Twin 2. It's nice to met you and I know we both can't wait to see everyones drawings.

Thursday, November 8, 2007
The weekend is soon and we are going Surfing. Not only that but we are going to watching a bunch of Animes that our friend gave us!!!
As well as going shopping for Bleach, if we can't find any today we'll keep looking until we find some. (yeah BLEACH)
We love the weekend (best time of the week) but it also means time in the sun having fun.
What do you like best about the Weekends??
and, when your not doing homework how do you spend your free time??
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
SORRY (from twin 2)
Twin2: Sorry people about our lack of Posts it's just that well...
Twin1: She was stupid, and well to make a long story short we went without phone and internet services for a LONG time.
Twin2: (nervous laugh)
Twin1: So we will hopefully be getting some new friends and commenting to other people
Twin2: And be seeing more artworks. I can't wait everyone is so good at drawing. I can't even draw stick people.
Twin1: It's true!!
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Common sense.
T1: ummm... i believe our lack of comments has somthing to do with our lack of friends.
T2: nah? REALLY???
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Twin 2 here!!!!
Well seeing as Twin 1 is busy...
I'll tell a story about twin 1
One time we were walking on the beach and then she wanted to get home quickly to watch some show and guess what happens she walks straight in to a huge pile of Thorns.
She took 10 minutes to pull them all out (I was too busy laughing to help)
Well that just goes to show... Do'nt walk into a pile of thorns.
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Monday, October 8, 2007
T1: Were new, so... hi!
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