iluvygo (04/18/05)
Hey! Got the link to your site from Xx beth xX's site. Bakura's okay, but his yami isn't exactly on my favorites list... I think he's my 50th favorite character. ^^ no offense. I'm more of a Rex fan, he being my favorite anime character. My 2nd is Alister (believe it or not, haven't seen any Waking the Dragons episodes!) Ugh. I talk too much. Anyway, I'm adding ya as a friend! Bye!
jigglyness (04/17/05)
hey jennifer. thanks for signing my new guestbook. ur so awesome. man we should talk on aim you if have it. xD . well imma add you friend. xD chao buddy
JuliasPeach (04/17/05)
HI! great site you have here. ^^ you must do alot of work on it. ^^ but yeah, keep it up. ^^ and I hope to see you around. :) laters!
SkyeRainOfSorrow (04/17/05)
I LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOUR SIIIIIITE! ha ha! hey your a yaoi fan? AWESOME! so am iiii? i hope you dont mind if i add you as a friend! ^^ i think you might likey my site if your a yaoi fan! ha ha ha! i commented on your post! and i think you should add some pics to your sit too! ^^ if you need any help about it just pm meeeeee! ^^ well i better go before i start to babble and make this sig about 15 freakin' pages long!
-shuichi shindou
kirby3157 (04/17/05)
Hey, I've seen you floating around at some of my friends' sites and I decided to look at yours. It's really really awesome! ^_^ I hope you don't mind that I add you as a friend. Ja ne~
songoscaresmeroku (04/16/05)
your site is so cool!
arsh2882 (04/16/05)
Hey! Thanks sooo much for signing my gb! I'll add you as a friend too! and thanks so much for tellin people about me!
luv, hugs, and AWESOMENESS!!!!!
Xx beth xX (04/16/05)
Nice site. I like the introduction. Be true to yourself girl!! =] The colors are really cool and I also like Yami Bakura and Ryou Bakura a lot. I'm adding you as a friend if that's ok with you. Drop by my site some time.
Gameboy (04/15/05)
Hi i'm Dream wings bro and she lead me here and told me about coma.nice site, i'll add you as a friend.
Yamchaa (04/15/05)
hello ^^
its me Yamcha, my old site messed up, so i had to make another one. i am here to re- add you as a friend. keep up the great work ^^