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myOtaku.com: JeT224

Thursday, August 25, 2005

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Thursday, 8:40 AM
"Every rose has its thorns" �Kurama

Jet: Don�t worry guys, I know that is not how the quote goes. Neko-San and metal-inuyasha were correct. You guys are true Yu Yu Hakusho fans. I wondered if anyone would pick that up. I was short on quotes at the moment so I thought I would put that one up.

Hiei#10: You guys are obsessive.

Jet: Hey, we can�t help it if we really like YYH, Is that a problem?

Hiei#10: Hmph.

Jet: I have 100 guestbook signings!! Took me long enough, 4 months. I�m not really looking for popularity, or a lot of signings because then I will have so many sites to go to. It takes me long enough already to get to eveyone�s site now.

Hiei#10: Yeah, you should get a life.

Jet: I�m probably going to have my friend over tonight for a sleepover, so I will try to get to all of your sites in the morning. I�m so sorry that I didn�t get to all of your sites yesterday. I spent the day with my family basically. My mom wanted to go to an antique place, and after that we went out to lunch. Later on my dad wanted to walk around the mall. I found he funniest shirt at one store. It had a coke symbol but instead it said Choke, and at the bottom it said the official drink if the New York Yankees. As you know I am a Red Sox freak.

Hiei#10: Baka. I had to be home with those noisy dogs of yours, is there an off button on them?

Jet: I wanted you to come, I was begging you, but you chose not to.

Hiei#10: Hmph.

Jet: Is to all you say? I need to teach you a better vocabulary.

Hiei#10: Good luck.

Jet: I think this is a long enough post, ok Hiei.

Hiei#10: I�ll give you guys a cool YYH site to go to.

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